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Everything posted by comanderbly^

  1. i should have been gm, they didnt allow me though

    1. 3andD


      you allowed this

  2. Who is loremaster i can contact to arrange deal of stuffs

    1. comanderbly^


      not really deal, I just need help

    2. Nug


      You can post on the Lore Team's Q&A, it can be found here:

  3. i heard kais likes bieber

  4. who will be my woman, i am lonely

  5. hi friends, how are you all in this fine day?

  6. lotc has stagnated

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shar'ku/jenspelao


      I'm chill homie maybe you need some air from outside

    3. comanderbly^


      im not your homie, do i know u!!!!????

    4. Joe_Blackman
  7. we should have a lotc ball

    1. yekim8


      everyone get your fedoras ready!!!!!

    2. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      umm +1 i have a room full of fedoras just so i can go out in public

  8. subrosa was greenlit :)

  9. #Gronkk4gm2013

    1. Aislin
    2. Moot


      No. That means he'll stop doing things.


  10. gaius, i admire you

  11. should i apply 4 gm/fm? i need to know

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ToenailTickler
    3. comanderbly^


      sry actually, i dont have much time to be any position

      sry friends good pals maybe other day

    4. Major Dom
  12. I suggest we demote Matt, since he's corrupt, edgy and i h8 him

    1. mmat
    2. Lark


      Agreed, Matt is like the worst GM ever. He actually does his job. Freaking jerk.

  13. i love how every day, we have the flaming time, where the status updates are full of hate, and then the love time, which is now

  14. "The Carrions are half-brained retards" Sounds fair.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 3andD


      what moron said this

    3. comanderbly^


      Strelts are best, most good rp, have problem, come solve with ic hate that is way of the half-brained retards!

    4. Esterlen


      heil bogdanistan

  15. and my ban report remains unthouched :(

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