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Everything posted by comanderbly^

  1. When is a staff member thinking of reviewing my ban report?

    1. Austin


      they are doing stuff "behind the scenes" so they can't.

  2. can i have one of those titles on the forums? all cool kids have one, i want too :)

    1. Lark


      No you have to earn it. Go back to your corner and get back to work slave.

    2. comanderbly^


      ok thx for info

  3. The dust settles

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      *runs around flailing his arms and kicking up dust*

  4. im glad this has all ended happily

  5. all the ragequit, lol the house is being cleaned.

    1. AgentSunny


      Clean houses are the best houses.

    2. comanderbly^
  6. wow, ok, that is really rude, sorry staff

  7. abuse! why did you remove my last status?

  8. where can i find in the rules that i cant insult people in other places that arent involved with the server, this being, for example, skype?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dragonslayor65
    3. yekim8


      i cannot see any other screens so and pictures r proof

    4. Lym


      While we certainly did have a global "anti-cyberbullying"-policy, it seems it was either not included in the latest rule updates or was removed. If you want, I can inquire and send you a PM or message you on Skype?

  9. bring aiim back! free country! genderbending is bad!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rassidic


      Shhh... it's all a very clear joke...

    3. SortedJarhead


      Wait, so if I'm cybrrbullied on Skype o can get them banned? >:] MUAHAHAHA

    4. shiftnative


      It was a slew of bad behavior, jesus

  10. chump! knox! pls no bad staff i h8 u

  11. chump! knox! pls no bad staff i h8 u

  12. so much hate and drama and abuse and im sad :'(

  13. Ruska is best.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dreek
    3. bungo


      Malinor is best.

    4. LukyLucaz


      Edgy anime wankers, Edgy anime wankers everywhere...

  14. Am I the only one that dislikes and doesn't watch anime?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NomadGaia


      I only watched Avatar, and thats the only anime i've watched.Ever

    3. Skippy


      lol wow much anime hate must conflict with people who dont do the same as you

    4. comanderbly^


      I didnt insult dem anime people. I stated my opinion about anime itself :)

  15. Argh.. I am so darn sick.. Plus school tommorow..

  16. Am I the only one that dislikes the [Guard], [supreme commander of the tags] and stuff like that on your /setname?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pinsir99


      Queen Blank is fine, but [Commander Supreme of Oren etc] is annoying.

    3. Shorsand


      I don't even put a lastname on any of my characters.

    4. Lago


      I prefered Oren Guard Sgt Thaern to [Oren Guard Sgt] Thaern.

  17. they see me preachin', they hatin'

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