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Status Updates posted by MarioMixer

  1. Awkward moment where nathan barnett has more rep than you xD and visits your page xD, then gets 38+ rep and is morally more accepted than nathan barnett! Get in!

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      Umm I've had 38 rep for a while....

    2. MarioMixer


      good for you man, I came from a time where you could only get rep from mods

    3. Lago


      Can't say I remember that. I do remember downvotes though.

  2. Would love to know why random people are popping up in my freinds list without notifications

  3. Awkward moment where nathan barnett has more rep than you xD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dandan1350


      The search was worth it, got you 32 rep in less then 10 minutes

    3. monkeypoacher


      barnett can be cool, calm yo hate girl

    4. MarioMixer


      when you say can, you mean cant?

  4. Vectoring, On ipad, Might be a while :L

  5. Malinor masquerade tonight should be fun, anyone coming

    1. SodaiKamikaze


      Maybe. If I can skin a orange/tan mask well.

  6. Wow, 70 views in less than an hour with over 10 replies

  7. Posted my art thread lol

  8. Right posting a sketching thread hold your anus's

  9. Right anyone want drawing?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Anawkin
    3. MarioMixer


      lol so much people I guess people really are desperate

    4. Anawkin


      I deserve it the most. <3

  10. Damn d00d 3 many server errors 5 me

  11. steam trades never ******* work..

  12. Anyone Playing tf2 Lately?, /adept trader?

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      I play competetive and I trade, but I'm broke. I have like 1.66 left.

    2. Z3r05t4r


      I have more than a thousand hours on it, played competitive, but I kind of settled down, play for fun and collect a few items then and when.

  13. Right then, decided i will do character sketchs anyone got a good time for a grand opening?

  14. Hmm maybe i should take some drawing requests for characters, Hmm would anyone be interested if i did?, art such as my sig if want examples

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bickando


      would be interested

    3. dandan1350


      Yub, yub. Definately. Your work looks outstanding ^.^

    4. MarioMixer


      hmm, okey I think I will if people wants them

  15. lol 2 years of inactivity nearly and i racked up 5.6 thousand profile views, OMGWTFBBQ is LOTC xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lucas


      Oh right! Disney song! (says google)

    3. argonian


      wow lucas do you even childhood

    4. MarioMixer
  16. we built this city on rock and roll,

  17. i should of known it was a one night invitation

  18. Therapy, you were never a friend to me, you can keep all your misery

  19. dont sweat it, forget it, everything is a-okay

  20. Timeflies tuesday today

    1. Neri


      It's Wednesday.

    2. MarioMixer


      not in the united kingdom, Its timeflies Tuesday <3

  21. Bustin Jieber Stay strung pls m9

  22. lit a match just to heat things up, but i got more than i bargained for

  23. took a walk for the very first time..

  24. Ooh kill em terio!

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