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Status Updates posted by MarioMixer

  1. when the lights out, its less dangerous, here we are now, entertain us

  2. scottish hip hop is the best thing to happen in a while xD

  3. 234 posts 5900 views.... Seems legit...

    1. monkeypoacher


      that's because you're a slimy girl

    2. MarioMixer
  4. When zer0 disses premier inn all kinds of jimmies got rustled

  5. When zer0 disses premier inn all kinds of jimmies got rustled

  6. All time low - Backseat Serenade

  7. Devvo is a ******* donny soldier

  8. Ze Teamspeak Is Ze Down

  9. Dear Maria Count me in, theres a story at the bottom of this bottle and im the pen

  10. America would be such a hoot to live in -_-



      As an american citizen I can indeed confirm it is a hoot.

    2. Lago


      Just don't get hurt or ill. Ever.

  11. Too many roars keeping me up -_-

    1. Nymeros


      You live in a lion pen, yes yes?

    2. MarioMixer
  12. i wanna be weightless and that should be enough, if i could just find the time, i would never let another day go by, im over, getting old.

  13. I'm blue. Undabadeeda blue

    1. Snap Peas

      Snap Peas

      dabadeedabadu badadeebubbadu

  14. It's a crime to put on an Aussie accent ;-;

    1. Sky


      For non-Australian's

    2. MarioMixer


      Hence why I said put on

  15. Everyone on teamspeak seemed to cool down, yet sha is still scary ;-;

    1. Kitten
    2. Lark


      Sha isn't scary, she's just Sha.

    3. MarioMixer


      She sooooo scary, tis a dictatorship in the channel haha

  16. Aussie Teamspeak Party, 'Cept Sha, she scares me QQ

  17. Papercut massacre - Lose my life

  18. Simple Plan- Welcome to my life, good way to start a monday

  19. Right decided to lock my art thread, had too much requests in 24 hours, they will still get done just no new ones at the moment, k thx bai

  20. History test tommorow wish me luck

    1. SodaiKamikaze


      T-T I feel for you.

    2. ThatCanadian


      What time-period are you looking at?

  21. Right 1 sketch in, Im already pisssed off with the ipad's system to draw, Gonna move over to photoshop and manually draw my chars Out, that sound cool? **** you ipad, you crashing peice of ****

    1. Helvetius


      Chill pill required!

    2. MarioMixer


      New Plan To Draw Required, Cant deal with the constant app crashes and the issues with actually drawing it out

    3. Neri


      Ipads aren't really designed for art.

  22. Right then kiddies I'll be drawing up yo requests then

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