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Everything posted by JCQuiinn

  1. You Are (Not) Alone was good. Really good. Better than I expected to be honest.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nug


      the red sea is da impact and stuff

    3. JCQuiinn


      Eh, fair enough. Still, tomorrow, 2.22. Can't wait.

    4. Nug
  2. No, this can be far to easily abused.
  3. Finally getting to watch The End of Evangelion tomorrow. It should be... interesting is a word you could use I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      And while I think the last two episodes are very different, they're not necessarily horrible. Just... different.

    3. Nug


      yay evangelion i lov it. kawoshin yes

    4. JCQuiinn


      I'm also getting the Evangelion Rebuild Dvds 1.11, 2.22, and 3.33 from him. Gonna binge it this weekend.

  4. Ptah, the only Chaq lore that I know ever existed was his magic application.
  5. I confronted Chaq twice about this. Once a short while after he was accepted into the M.A.T, at which point he explained it more as evocation being used to help heal wounds. I.E. cauterizing wounds with fire and so forth. The second time I was essentially told to **** off by the MAT (at the time he was on the team) and told that he was writing lore to explain how he could be a T5. To be perfectly honest I feel that creator healing should have never existed, but now that it exists I think there is a golden opportunity to make something truly unique out of this. As for my own unique situation Jistuma, I honestly have no idea what it is anymore. The MAT gave and revoked my magic too many times and I suffered too many lore changes for me to even make sense of that situation anymore, though I've attempted to keep things as logical as possible. In the end I simply just made it work, and so I support the creator clerics trying to make something much more defined. However, I feel that the creator clerics need to have some sort of overarching drive behind their characters, otherwise they're nothing but wandering healers.
  6. So, if you don't mind me asking, will the Golden Lance be active in 4.0?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      i would just like to forget antho's storyline ever happened



      ^^^^^^ What he said, 100x over.

    4. CommunistSpy
  7. The Witcher 3 has been delayed till next year. Much sadness.

  8. "Women are the reason I became a monk.... and the reason I switched back."

  9. I think it's about time for a new forum avatar.

  10. So.... The Titanfall beta seems to hate laptops. Lovely.

  11. I have a Titanfall beta code. Cool.

    1. Abysmall


      It doesn't look bad at all, looks like a new type of FPS.

  12. So, I'm curious. I know that in a raid you can only break blocks if you have perms. So, if a GM takes part in a raid can they break everything they want, regardless of whether they are on the perms or not?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      Lovely. I do hope that's not the case.

    3. K00l


      For something to be considered a raid, no siege equipment may be used. No modreqs may be done to gain access to anything, they can only attack.

    4. JCQuiinn


      Lovely. Guess it's time to start taking screenies again.

    1. Googlesearch


      I will definitely keep an eye on this. I am already excited to play kingdom come deliverance

    2. JCQuiinn


      Glad I can help bring awesome kickstarter projects to ya'll.

    3. Z3r05t4r


      All these nice board games. And then these additional fees, because you are Euro.

  13. So, is the map change supposed to happen within the next two to three months?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JtPv


      Aww, we lost Alec again? :c

    3. Hunter (sckolar)
    4. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Techies is the same as what we call people who go to my school

  14. So... my manor got destroyed... That's cool.

  15. I still miss my ex... Should probably work on my aim.

  16. Welp, taking a month long break. Hopefully I'll actually keep to it this time. Toodles.

    1. MetaSolaray


      Adios again mate ;o

    1. Overland


      That does look amazing, I might have to pledge some money myself.

    1. Tяol


      Will be the best game out there if they do it right, I cannot give them money to help support it, but I do hope others will as I look forward to it's full release, in all it's glory.

    2. Googlesearch


      I completely agree. This game seems like they are making the perfect rpg. Needless to say I am disappointed that it is coming out in 2 years

    3. Googlesearch


      On the plus side their investor will be pretty happy that the public are interested in it

  17. http://imgur.com/gallery/zmNC9 Clickitclickitclickit
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Booklight12


      Honeslty... This game looks amazing! I hope it is actually made.. Just needs magic~

    3. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      ^ I could not disagree more! What the RPG genre needs is a good old medieval dark age themed setting.

    4. JCQuiinn


      Aye. The whole point of this campaign is to demonstrate to the investor how much interest there is in this. More money the more that investor will contribute. And, honestly? I'd love to see this game, despite being ignored by all the publishers, blow people out of the water.

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