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Status Updates posted by Beneh

  1. Making a new type of nation , made up of several nations ! Going to be called the United Kingdom , be sure to sign up people !

    1. yekim8


      I like the sound of this one.

    2. Beneh


      Oh , goodie !

    3. Beneh


      I'm calling the capital London.

  2. That cat, is too cute. :)

  3. Batman : Dark Knight Rises , is just too good :c , Makes me want to watch it over and over.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      When Gotham is ashes... Then, you have my permission to die.

    3. Beneh


      Such a badass line.

    4. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      HE'S SO AWESOME! Even though... He's evil. x.x

  4. You said your back. But I havent seen you yet :[


  5. You stay classy , San Diago.

    1. Secret Lizard President
    2. Beneh


      Bugger , it was a good-enough attempt

  6. Windows Vista. Beats everything.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)
    3. Beneh


      Vista destroys all it's competition , there is no blasphemy here !

    4. BannanaToYou
  7. All this drama... Reminds me of a 1st Year High School playground

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      What highschool did you goto that had a playground? o_O

    3. yekim8


      I love it.

    4. Beneh


      Forgive me for my old speak , if playground is not the word. But every school should have grounds in which you can go out in during break , lunch , recess or whatever.

  8. And so now , there is a House or Family named " Baratheon ". It was only a matter of time , I suppose.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Narco


      Yup, Now there's Baratheon and Baelish. Not to mention all the first names...

    3. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      There's a dwarf named Hodor. ^^

    4. Eledyr


      Well I don't realy mind tho, it is an epic name and it is just a name so meh

  9. Sup' Vanus

  10. I wonder why.. Playing a wolf is so popular now.

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      It's better than cats...

    2. Jexdane


      ah, the curse of more player models

  11. Slender ? What is this Slender ?

  12. Branfest. Was pure brilliance :)

  13. Branfest , is now ON. Come all , come all , for a chance to win prizes , like VIP !

  14. What server 'yall on for Day-Z ?

    1. Miquill


      I don't play games that take up like 30 gigs of memory

    2. Rusty7x


      I always play on the server with the lowest ping.

  15. WHAT. WHAT. WHAT. HOW. HOW. HOW ?!?! ITALY SCORED , IT SHOULD COUUNT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Beneh


      I always support Italy international games , and to be honest, they have clearly been the better team this match.

    3. lemontide331


      Time for England to destroy 'em in Penalties

    4. Beneh
  16. Come on Italy ! Their the better team in this match , deserve to win !

    1. Schwaan


      I like Italy more, but they aren't the better team anymore. They are all washed up.

    2. Beneh


      How so ? I believe Italy has had 14 shots on target , England around 7. Italy has also had FAR more possesion for all of the second-half and I would judge it even by possession on the first half.

  17. Ach. I'm plain fed up with people complaining about patches , bashing the patches , the server and the admin team even when the patches make perfect sense and worst of all , they offer no compromise. This patch allows jobs to be unique. It means blacksmiths and swordsmiths actually have a meaning and they arent just there and therfore , incresing RP. This is an RP server , where we RP. If you would rather be able to do everything and not RP..

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheNinox


      Good words!

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)


      Signs and Stone tools are not rare.

      They are the basic needs of life for an OCD Minecraft Player.

    4. Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      yeah and that is why van is tweaking this patch to make it easier for new players to start off, i don't know if you read the post but I'm pretty sure it said "nothing is set in stone, things will be changed" as every patch on LOTC has ever been. We update, then for the next couple weeks we change the plugins as we see is best for the community

  18. I'm IN LOVE with this patch. It makes this server feel alot more realistic in my opinion and makes clear sense while forcing people to interact with others and RP.

    1. Lirinya


      You, just got a plus one cookie.

    2. Aislin


      You know what's up.

  19. I just noticed. Lots of people post applications for our server on our page on Planet Minecraft. Are they actually checked ?

    1. Admiral_Ackbarf
    2. Beneh


      There has been over 25 Pages of Applications. We're missing out on alot of new players.

    3. Lirinya


      No, the apps aren't checked. However: http://screenshooter.net/4248337/ljeccyu

      If people can't read this then....

  20. I love Vanus

  21. I love Vanus.

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