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Status Replies posted by Beneh

  1. We've take over the Silverblades house for refuge against the onslaught of PVP wandering souls.

  2. If you're having friend problems I feel bad for you son, but don't look at me cause I ain't got none.

  3. Khronos is on the temp server! /nuke was spammed!

  4. For a 15 year old, naive female character (who is pretty), should I make a human, halfling, dwarf, elf, wood elf or dark elf?

  5. Taking hiatus from server and forums.

  6. I am faced with a choice... Coke, or Pepsi?


  8. Can you still get chunks of the LotC map? If so, I may wish to acquire one for build purposes.

  9. I hope this is really temp, I just blew up someone's house :P

  10. Blood tests suck. Being ill sucks. BLARGHHHH

  11. Anybody got any ideas for Halloween, be sure to make an event proposal or send a PM to an ET member.



  14. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. Mischief Managed.

  15. What isn't a cow but is still a cow in comparison? (10 wrong answers and I will answer it myslef :D)

  16. Well I was sitting on a teamspeak channel on a private teamspeak and someone enters my channel singing. Guess who it is and you'll get a cookie

  17. My father asked for the phone and my reply was "Mi nub knuw." *facepalm*

  18. My father asked for the phone and my reply was "Mi nub knuw." *facepalm*

  19. >.> 'm sorry but... Not to be the ******* of the party or anything but.. Cat's don't go to heaven... good lord.

  20. Who accepted you onto The Lord of the Craft? For me, it was Volutional and Roze.

    1. Beneh


      Only the oldies will remember this particular GM.

      Slayer15855 accepted me

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  21. For all those who think LoTC is up - it is not. We attempted to pull up a small temp server which didn't succeed due to various issues.

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