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Friendly Guy

Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Friendly Guy

  1. Random LotC Trivia: What two races fought in the first war of Aegis, and who was the victor?

  2. Rhia fantasizes about Morgan Freeman dressed up as a rabbi with machine guns murdering people in the name of Godanistan.

  3. *looks to his clean Application Submissions section, then to the filthy Villain Applications section. "AT > VAT."

  4. I sense that there is a very few amount of morally good characters running about, seems everyone is a bloodthirsty bandit/guard or is a thrall to a necromancer circle who hides as a normal guy.

  5. I apologize for that. Thank you Cappy.

  6. How long are MC days?

  7. So...we have a battle in len tomorrow right?

  8. man faker is just a beast

  9. League of legends Season 3 Final is being Streamed now http://www.twitch.tv/riotgames

  10. Achievement get: Stop Orc combat by dazzling them with light.

  11. Last week as a free thinking man, next week a recruit in

  12. Remember the Saluvs War in Asulon? Ain't gonna happen to Gronkkzton Lago, #WestSideRide

  13. Cant...get...ingame...i'm....dying...its...the...weekend...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  14. Draeris 101! Reached over the hundred posts! Lets drink some rum and celebrate!.. Ohh wait.. as a high elf I'm to good for rum.. Darn.

  15. hmm... I think I'll add a few more mines tomorrow!

  16. Hey guys, Aislin will maybe quit the server if you vote. Like, a one in twenty-seven thousand, eight hundred forty-nine chance. So let's get voting, people, as it helps the server... by helping us be rid of a fat, stupid orc.

  17. What a restart. Server lagged like crazy then shut down right as we were going to raid xD. 3 aytos 2 cardinels vs probably 10 orcs cause of Weduntgiveafawk how many there are xD

  18. It was not just a victory; it was a decimation.

  19. I should be sleeping but meh... sleep is for da weak.

  20. Here comes another Iraq and Afghanistan. I want to take this opportunity to give my government, the French government and the morons in Washington a big **** you. It's not even funny how transparent this all is.

  21. Here comes another Iraq and Afghanistan. I want to take this opportunity to give my government, the French government and the morons in Washington a big **** you. It's not even funny how transparent this all is.

  22. Here comes another Iraq and Afghanistan. I want to take this opportunity to give my government, the French government and the morons in Washington a big **** you. It's not even funny how transparent this all is.

  23. I'm saying mean things about Arik in my status update. *mean things*

  24. Would you rather loose your computer, or have it fully reset back to factory setting with every precious bit of data you had on there erased?

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