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Lanader - Richard Tarus

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Status Replies posted by Lanader - Richard Tarus

  1. When I saw this, I thought it would be like the Lord of the Rings, but I find it more reminiscent of the Elder Scrollls.

  2. I'm happy to see new Aenguls and Daemons popping up, really interesting and exciting to come across both on the forums and ig!

    1. Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Lanader - Richard Tarus

      couldn't agree more--it goes to show how vast and flexible the lore could really be. makes for an expansive universe

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. 4:40am. I have been playing LoTC since 9pm yesterday. Do I still have a life... no.

    1. Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Lanader - Richard Tarus

      but that's some pure dedication, m8. need gms as active as that xD

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. 4:40am. I have been playing LoTC since 9pm yesterday. Do I still have a life... no.

  5. KoTOR II finished again... Sith Lord Prestige class, fully corrupted all of my companions. Atton was the only one who stayed with me.

    1. Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Love replaying KOTOR. Such great games, and it's different for me every time.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Where is everyone at? Just a lonely Dark Elf looking for some RP...

    1. Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Try Alras, haha. Around there and the dwarves there's lots of RP, though it may not be very appealing to many. Very casual in Alras.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. I think part of what made the Undead fun was that they weren't too confusing... When working on the 4.0 antag (if it isn't the Undead), please don't have all of the big old words like KHAZ'DE'KURRUKU nonsense like past antags have had. Simplicity is key, no need to

    1. Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Undead had some pretty cool nicknames. One guy was named Titan, I think, aswell.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Where is everyone at? Just a lonely Dark Elf looking for some RP...

  9. Am I the only one lagging like hell?

  10. The PSD of my banners is now up on the original post, if you want a custom banner, feel free to grab it and edit to your heart's content!

  11. The PSD of my banners is now up on the original post, if you want a custom banner, feel free to grab it and edit to your heart's content!

  12. You don't know edgy till you try RPing on Roblox.

  13. Can someone tell why Aegis was so 'great'? I'm curious.

    1. Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Everything was new. Now we've just been trying the same stuff every map.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. The MT is the most fresh team out there! We get a new Team Lead every few months! :D

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