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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by E__V__O

  1. I understand lore being secretly submitted to LM

  2. I wanna apply for media team, Help pl0x.

  3. If any of the Community has any work they've been doing please contact me for a showcase. This includes Screenshots, art pieces, skins, ext. Any piece of art you're proud of!

  4. If any of you guys are interested in the magic rewrites, we’ve created a discord to keep make sure everything flows correctly. Message me for details on the forums or discord: Jenny_Bobbs#0001

    1. Heero


      which rewrites are you guys working on?

    2. E__V__O


      Encompassing all type of magics @Heero

  5. If I can ask with the new staff policy, why are bankers allowed for nations and not charters like the rest of the perks? @Corpean

    1. Corpean


      Banks are/should be centralized. It’s a nation specific perk.


      Policies are lightly updated for 7.0 in mind. If freebuilds have it in this map, they can keep it.

    2. E__V__O


      That seems a bit strange, why have auctioneers in charters and not bankers?

  6. If you want to msg me, do it through forums. I am unable to access skype atm.

  7. If you’re a graphic artist i’ll love to see your work! All media work is appreciated! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sporadic


      Woah! I didn’t know you could design as good as you can code Wrynn :thinkfish:

    3. Wrynn


      What can I say... when I work hard, I get results.

    4. E__V__O
  8. Is it possible to change lockpick rules being able to steal from donation chests? Cause that's all I see now.

  9. Is this what a hostage situation is like?

  10. It's so pretty 


  11. Just finished my 3km run for AT fitness run. Time for planks!

    1. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      ur an ugly idiot

    2. E__V__O


      Thanks for the encouragement. 

  12. Let's get an Aussie Admin. Vote Murlocs (Jaeden) today!

    @Telanir @Jaeden

    1. J


      Im not that insane yet

    2. Sporadic


      I would be okay with this.

  13. Live, laugh, love

  14. Midnight screening of rogue one... My god an amazing movie.

  15. My app is a "Hot" topic at the moment! Also look at my shiny new profile pic by clicking on this link!


  16. Not to detract from the current situation, however have you heard of Blobiverse? Try it today in IOS devices.



  17. Oh hey, congrats on admin tag.

    1. rukio


      What the ****

  18. Oh my, I just realised status updates are back!

    1. Slayy


      But now I must go to your profile and like LOOK AT IT.

  19. Raid Rules Posted Today!

  20. Random friend goes to wash hands in the bathroom "Oh a lot of skin products in here, your mother must have a lot of acne" ... I reply "They're all mine" ;-;

  21. Seriously though, who do I contact now for media team permissions and sketches ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. E__V__O


      LoTC animations.

    3. Jistuma


      So you need a Youtube? You can talk to the VMS people then. Zero would do.

    4. E__V__O


      Gotcha. Thanks big brother.

  22. Shouldn't Legends be put in the allocated Roleplay section of the forums instead of Lore?


    Since it is accepted and put into the implementation section wouldnt that make the "legend" lore? Making it truth?


    I am confused in this regard.

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