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Everything posted by Blundermore

  1. In a PVP way yes, but at the moment there's not much linking the potion to actual RP. It's just merely "there" and it happens when it happens. This serves to outline a more RP explanation and reason for why you wouldn't want to use it often.
  2. Akmens Syndrome At the turning of the new age the discovery of new alchemy recipies led to the development of many interesting and strange potions granting the user abilities unheard of. One such potion, the potion of Stoneskin gave its' users the power to shrug off blows that would fell lesser men. But little did they know that there are risks with all things in large quantities. The long term affects were not apparent at first but continued consumption of the Stoneskin potion led to its' relative junkies and addicts developing a new and strange symptom. Akmens Syndrome. What is it? Akmens Syndrome is caused by continued and large consumption of the Potion of stoneskin product. It is a debilitating malady that targets the joints and nervous system of those afflicted, slowly wearing away at the tissue in their joints and killing off nerves found within the skin. Causing loss of feeling, sense of smell etc eventually leading to necrotising of the various affected areas and eventually death of the victim. Turning a once great warrior into a junkie that is slowly killing themselves, much akin to the real life Swedish berserkers of old who would consume mushrooms prior to battling to become more fierce fighters capable of shrugging off pain that would otherwise kill them, but at the cost of possibly overdosing or causing damage to their nervous system in the future. What does it do? The effects begin once the subject has consumed a certain amount of stoneskin potions within a certain time span of perhaps a couple years. (The time can be determined at a later date by staff if they wish). The effects are as follows: -Loss of feeling in skin. Perpetual loss of other senses follow including touch, smell, taste. Followed by: -Destruction of tissue within the joints causing severe hampering of movement Followed by: -Continued degradation of the body, leading to lesions developing Followed by: -Catastrophic breakdown of tissue all over the body, joints begin to fuse solid, skin becoming more stonelike by the day Finally ending: -The death of the subject as the body breaks down, killing the subject rather spectacularly as they merely degrade into a pile of rocks and rubble. "Well that sounds horrible, can't it be cured?" Perhaps an ingame cure could be found, though depending how far down the line someone is with their syndrome the affects of the cure could take years to fully manifest and heal the subject. Such is the price of abusing substances. Magical healing magic can slow the effects of the spread of this syndrome but it cannot truly heal it entirely. "Couldn't the monks heal this when I die normally?" It is a well known fact that the Monks do not save people who choose their own death, such as via suicide. Or accept injury upon themselves, such as a loss of a limb. Hence why these things are possible in our world. The willing consumption of a substance deemed harmful to the user would be treated much the same. So dying and re-spawning at the monks will not fix this syndrome. A cure must be sought out. "Can I get this and spread it to my Friends?" Truly this is not a disease persay, it is caused by continued use of the stoneskin potion. So you cannot spread it by merely being in contact with another person. Unless that person is also consuming stoneskin potions at the same rate you are. Final Thoughts: I wrote this lore after hearing a lot of commotion about the apparent use/abuse of the potion of stoneskin and thought "the ability to merely shrug off wounds that would kill lesser men would surely have some sort of downside if you kept using it..." So I thought about it for a bit and came up with a somewhat fantasied version of Leprosy, though without the ability of it being spread by touch of course.
  3. https://gyazo.com/a14c0d861a2360d4b1a1ef76031792ec
    Never forget the Japanese Peasants that gave their lives to fight off the Necromancer menace...

  4. Hey ET could we bring this creature back? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blundermore


      Whelp LM's then silly! :p Would like to see I think was it Heero? Probably was, playing it again or someone else. Whomever. 

    3. Dizzy771


      Heero was playing it, yea, but he's perma banned now. Gotta find someone else.

    4. TeaLulu


      The character belongs to Tsuyose, there's no finding anyone else.

  5. Even being gone for over half a year doesn't stop the metagamers lol...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tom_Whiteman


      Apparently I'm a shade because I have bags under my eyes.

    3. excited


      Apparently I'm a Blood Mage because I have 'the complexion' ayyy lmao. 

    4. Blundermore


      I'm wise and knowledgeable in magic because I'm an old man. Apparently anyways according to every person who ever talks to me lol


  6. Sounds a lot like darksouls. Probably is darksouls.
  7. Fast travelling to Courland to see ((Reported for Pugsy!)) the moment I step off the carriage just as the server restarts.

  8. How do you set your profile picture to a gift again? Also any chance of having my forum rank changed back to my diamond vip pex please?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KBR


      Just put the gif in if you have it downloaded, if it isn't too large it should work. 

    3. Jistuma


      There should be a guide on how to do that somewhere in the guide section.

    4. Sythan



      That's for large profile pics and works for normal gifs as well. But if you want the perfect loop for a normal gif, try uploading it to imgur or a site, or use the original source URL for it. I find it sometimes doesn't work and I'm required to 'Save for Web' in photoshop. 




      If you run into any problems, shoot me a PM or add me on skype. sythanz


      I can fix it up for you.

  9. I'd ask the question how are you casting a conjuration spell from so far away actually thinking about it. I'd assume you'd cast this from atop your ivory tower and laugh as they went off to do your dirty deeds for you. Problem with magic is the further away it gets the weaker the connection to the user it becomes until finally... poof. It's gone. Enchanting is the way around this because the power source isn't the user (most of the time) it's apart of the design of the item in question. But you can't enchant a living thing... can you? Perhaps a more permanent solution requires an Alterationist and an conjurer to make such a creature... or one skilled in both arts (rare enough to not happen often). That and the obvious meta issues... because being able to say "I know this because I was listening to your conversation" etc etc... is basically like meta birds.
  10. http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Crebain Living out my Saruman Fantasy...
  11. It's my birthday today. I think I'll take the day off from 3D modelling for a change. 


    always difficult celebrating a wizard's birthday.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blundermore


      I've been modelling using 3DSmax. Specifically I've been working with the historical societies of London ww1 and Ypres town to recreate the original cathedral of St Martins that was destroyed during ww1. The plans along with most pictures of the cathedral was lost meaning there is very little to go on and most don't even know what it looked like prior to having to be rebuilt after ww1. It leaves me with very little free time whilst studying towards my degree but hopefully if it's good enough it might become a staple exhibit in Ypres. 

    3. RandomTraveller


      I use 3Ds Max too, Arrimus 3D is teaching me haha.

      Nice to see a fellow 3Ds Max user.

    4. StevenQuick


      Very late but happy belated  Blundermore! You might not know me but I've known about you since Asulon and have always loved your character and the way you acted. I hope your birthday was great and here's to many more.

  12. For anyone who missed it: 


  13. "The monsters of the north and their servants fell upon our home in the night, and before I knew it my brothers had been dragged down."

  14. "... Battlemage fire had broken his oaths to our brotherhood, in his lust for power of the dark arts he offered us up as sacrifice to the dark masters of the North, the Undead."

    1. KarmaDelta


      I feel like this is code for something.

  15. "You see, the Battlemages were a collection of similar vagabonds that found themselves in a similar situation to myself, no place to go, outcasted with nothing to their names. But I never suspected that one of our own kind could be capable of such devilry as Battlemage Fire was. We didn't stand a chance against what was to come..." 

  16. "...and for a while, it was the closest thing I considered to a home. I had even come to call my peers of the Battlemages brother too before long, in the brighter days, before the darkness, before the death."

  17. "Humble beginnings brought me here, after awaking upon the shores of Aegis all those years ago..."

  18. "... over the sea and further still to a place few ventured, the Battlemage's keep."


  19. "... ,it started long ago in a land I'm afraid is now forgotten by the passage of time. Far to the west of Al'khazar..." 

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      "So far west you had to walk for, like, a half an hour."

  20. "Why do I build towers you ask? Well now, that is an interesting tale..." 

  21. "T'was wizards and Gods who shaped the fates of so many in the future, alas however few remain who remember those times."

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