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Status Replies posted by Samler

  1. Recommend me a single player RPG or Horror game, or a F2P MMO. I'm really bored

  2. magic plugin doesnt even need to be complicated. lightning and fire for all direct offensive spells, like a sword mcly represents all RP weapons.

  3. http://i.imgur.com/Kexr3Ye.png Should I connect the land here? It would allow for easier travel on foot or horseback but cuts the cloud temple, halflings and orcs off from the sea.
  4. LOTC Trivia : Why are you all doing Everblues thing and putting up LOTC trivia questions?

  5. I allow people to ask for ANYTHING they want. What do they do? Ask for things that don't make sense :((((((

  6. Hwy! Quick question what's your opinion on my role-play? I'd hate to think I was under the bar, critic me.

  7. Is it just me or is it strange that there are so many 300 year old Athiest Elf characters when they'd have been old enough to see Aeriel, Iblees and maybe even the first Iblees invasion?

  8. I was wondering. How many can ACTUALLY remember the Wihuns?

  9. Can someone link me to this new magic post?

  10. Sorry the server isn't up yet. I apparently do have permission to make it crash :| but starting it up again runs into a Permission Denied message

  11. Server closed eh?

  12. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: For how long does the Blossoming of a Dryad last?

  13. So I went by Nation's Crossing at night... http://i.imgur.com/vmubFPt.png

  14. Get off dese forums and get ingame, foo'!

  15. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the smallest nation by land area upon arrival in Asulon?

  16. I might have killed a BNL, is the safe free from crahses forever now? -puppy eyes-

  17. Question for you all. In all of out MC world hopping, how do you view it? Are we crossing the barriers between worlds? Or just sailing to a new continent? Are our world shifts magical? It's not like we actually know where the hell we are going, so are we somehow magnetized to new lands?

  18. Rules are created to protect the server, and players inside it. I hope GMs do not forget that part especially.

  19. "Hey, Heial, why are you in the Druid channel?" Says a bystander, "Because our channel was randomly removed two weeks ago and it's not been receated yet." Replied Heial.

  20. I just want to say this now before I forget again. If your friend is banned it is HIS/HER responsibility to be unbanned. I have never seen someone get a friend unbanned by complaining. If that happens, then shouldn't mine be unbanned too? They knew what they were doing, and they were being irresponsible. My stance is even stronger when it comes to perm bans

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