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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. When you have 20 people hunting you because of a 1000 minas bounty.. And they meta me ._. ... The life of a villain will go away soon, Bart's on his way so I don't deal with this sh*t...

    1. Brent


      Made a new character and someone meta'd my MC name once, not fun.

    2. Project Epsilon

      Project Epsilon

      Oh I remember playing a villain once on my old server, he literally got bullied and his privacy was constantly invaded. People just don't appreciate a good scheming Villain anymore...

    3. Cossair


      Aw man, a bounty hunt like that would be damn fun though.

  2. I wonder if I could get a skill reset for a new character, But get my old stats back for when i play fred?

    1. shiftnative


      Do you remember the skills on your previous character?

    2. ScreamingDingo


      I could screen 'em.. i haven't made my new character yet but plan to since he is hated OOC. But just wondering If I do record them, can I get them back when i play as Fred again?

    3. Religious_Pie


      I think if you get a skill reset, you get the amount of skill-point you have levels.

  3. Time for Fred to maybe dissappear for a month or two. Everyone hates him... Not sure how to write a post about me getting captured by a bandit who is going to burn my face off..

    1. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      I can burn your face off Fred!

  4. Dat raging feeling when someone calls your character "crap" and you overreact...

    1. V0idsoldier


      your character is crap. trolo

    2. Ever


      Luv yew Falgor .w.

  5. I'm thinking of writing my Vamp Idea... ._.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      Thanks~. It's different than others though...

    3. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      Doesn't matter, won't happen.

    4. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      dunno lotc seems very against vamps

  6. Hmmm..Getting my face burnt IC would make me the best spy...

    1. Lucas


      Or perhaps make you stand out more :3 If you would have ever read "A song fire and ice", you would know that a man with a half burnt face is one of the most well known of all. :P

    2. ScreamingDingo


      But the man with anothers face is one unknown~ :P

  7. *Sees Server is on 228* *Cries because school is in 30 minutes*

    1. hypercrit


      Same...I don't get home until 5...damn sports. I hate mondays....

    2. JoakimVonAnka


      I'm going to bed atm. Have a fun time at school...

    3. ScreamingDingo
  8. Writing a Newspaper Article for Geography is hard ._. ...

  9. Well i'm probably going to leave soon~ I made this a status just for some of the people I have role-played with to say good-bye eventually.. By April i should be gone, Or maybe next week. Depends on the rp quality of the server from now on~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shuness


      You know, you never did reply to my thread.

    3. ScreamingDingo


      Wut thread ._.

    4. Dun_Irongut


      RP'd with you once, very shortly. I enjoyed it. Sorry you plan to leave and I hope you change your mind. The only way the RP on the server can decrease more is when those who are good at RPing leave.

  10. TIMMMEEEE TOOOO WHIP OUT ZEEE DENY HAMMER~ A.k.a checking apps now ;~;

  11. Dat Overheating ._.

  12. Why do I want my character to cut peoples faces off and put them on puppets....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      ;~;.. Alien Ruins Mah Mood...

    3. ScreamingDingo


      ;~;.. Alien Ruins Mah Mood...

    4. ScreamingDingo


      ;~;.. Alien Ruins Mah Mood...

  13. I want to RP Arson Renatus -.-. Stupid Perms and No fire spread~

  14. The feeling when you get banished from renatus without killing someone :3

    1. everblue2er101


      D: S'okay, I can sneak you back in

  15. Blahhhggg... Need some back up on apps.. WHERE ARE YOU APP TEAM >_>

    1. Sinstrite


      Looks like some of your guys are getting lazy :p

    2. ScreamingDingo


      It's hard.. i think my keys D,E,N,I have broken... :/

    3. Sinstrite


      Atleast you're doing a good job then if people still get denied, as strange as that sounds.

  16. Man today has been fun... .

  17. Every New Applicant Ignore If I wrote Re-post in 48 hours, Just re-post whenever~

  18. Getting apps stolen like a bawus...

  19. What's on your mind??

    1. Varstivus


      Make skins. Might get moniez.

    2. Lykos



    3. Cappy
  20. Just thought of the best con ever~~.

  21. I'm actually thinking of leaving the server.. Need someone to slap me so the idea gets out of my head..

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      Mind is surprisingly clear now..

    3. realslimshady


      RP with my new char once I finally get back on :)

    4. Skippy


      *throws chair in rage.*

  22. Why LOTC lack of Theaters ;~;... Stupid Town and them building a council hall over the stand ..

  23. I need tostop raging about the server in OOC...

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