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Everything posted by Auvreaeath

  1. http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/nether-fort-project/ Time to do something with this "Planet Minecraft"
    1. Arbrek the Ancient
    2. 154684321654951


      Ditto, and it's good to see PMC and LotC mixing.

  2. So, I got a haircut today.. XD

    1. Gorum©


      with your shirt off

      and wearing a bra

    2. Pikel Boldshoulder
    3. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
  3. So, how was everyone's day today?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ever
    3. EmeraldStag


      been good still trying to figure out if i realy want to try to make an app to join the App team.

    4. Auvreaeath


      It's pretty well over here Erictorch

      And come on Emerald, it doesn't hurt to give things a shot. ;)

  4. So, What's up with all the faces? Ex: ~(-_-~)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lykos


      riiiight. Just like how arrow to the knee jokes were funny.

    3. sodaplant


      Operative word being "Were" meaning "were" for about a day

    4. Lykos


      Spot on, sodaplant. You get an honorary Nigel Thronberry in a disney movie gif of the month.


  5. Time to work alongside Danny once more to get these Forum Rules Updated, Let's have it by the end of the week. ;D

  6. I know about a lot of the lore behind her type of dragons and I'm planning on either basing it off of that or just thinking of something else.
  7. Soccer Practice after School Lasted 2 Hours and 30 minutes, it was condition day.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nppeck


      Doesn't school soccer happen in the fall?

    3. Alan


      ^ Who said it was for school?

      Also that punishment is too easy, I merely cracked a joke at my practice and we did four suicides :<. I still finished all four first though, so nbd :D

    4. Auvreaeath


      It's School Soccer.

  8. Blah.. So tired. But I have to go to school.

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      I feel bad for you...I only had 4 hours of school! hah!...er...I mean im very very sorry..

    2. Heero


      Welcome to my world Auv. x_x

  9. Everyone join Ellsers Channel on Teamspeak to here Alan(Darrien) our lore master play piano!

    1. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Livestream it? <3

    2. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Internet is to slow to use TS, but I can livestream.

  10. ;) This is going to be implemented, but, it wont be her hatchlings that attack, it'll be the father.
  11. It will not be attacking the shores of Asulon, I've already written up the RP summary and I'll be posting it to explain more, the OOC summary will detail your second question, but just to explain now, it will be a GM. Or, me. The egg idea will be implemented though, perhaps there are a few eggs hidden in the mountain and in the end we learn it to late? It could continue for a separate event in the future.
  12. And perhaps it wont? I don't plan on making a specific ending, it'll be a lot like the Nether Event, if we lose, the Undead would have stayed: Bad Ending If we win, the Undead died: Happy Ending.
  13. I will be one of the main planners, I’m contacting Tyrion to ask if he wishes to play the Dragon, I also will need several GM’s and the consent of several of the Nation Leaders. Here is why. GMs: I will need them to be able to use /broadcast in order to announce the beginning of the event, I will need them to do regioning, building, and a few other commands. (I will help with these if I am allowed) Nation Leaders: I wish to implement the use of all the Nations combined in order to announce and execute this event. This event will be based off of the finding of a Dragons Lair, for this reason it’ll be based off of fear, excitement, and a few other mixed emotions for the players. The beginning will be meant to scare everyone because of the Karik Dragons destruction. The end will be decided for whatever happens during the event. The event date will not matter in all honesty, only it’s execution and pre announcement will. In an attempt to gather all members of the community that we can for this event I wish to get some announcements up so people know it’ll take place. All of this can be done after the review of this event proposal. Currently, it is undecided, like almost everyone of my events, those who wish to participate within this event will be affected by it. (This is unless we add in some additional lore/RP for the event which I already have planned) When the event is announced in game by the monks, all the nation leaders are allowed to give their input, if they’d like to join in the hunt. If they do wish to join, I will explain to them what is to happen oocly and a messenger is to tell them what will happen in IC. There will be a completely new map for this event, it’ll be a large island out in the middle of a giant ocean. It’ll be accessed by boat and it’ll also be left by boat. Further explanation can come if asked. RP Summary: As the monks sailed the oceans in search for knowledge about Asulon, they see the flames burst through the sky like the speed of a jet, as the fire quickly vanquishes a mighty roar bursts out into the day as a warning, a warning without question. Going towards the source of the flames, they come across a island. Within the water they see several masts of old ships protruding out of the water. In fear and excitement, they travel back towards the temple in preparation to tell all of Asulon. As the news of the island spreads quickly throughout Asulon, a council is held within each Nation, the main question, to fight, or to stay. As the time goes by, fear sweeps over the lands for what will happen with this new threat. The memory of the Dragons of Karik coming back to everyone, destruction, destruction, everywhere destruction. As the nations decide their chosen actions, the monks have already built several ships to set sail to the island. Knowing the risks that they are taking, they take a ritual to protect the Temple in their leaving from all damage that may befall it. Setting sail towards the island, the ships rock smoothly within the water, mist overlaying the way. As the ships sail, a mighty roar is heard above the mist and a figure swoops towards them all. In fear, everyone begins to take action, the figure already upon them breaks the mast of one of the ships and spills fire upon its deck. The members of the ship jumping overboard and several of them being eaten whole by the monster. The figure jumps back into the sky giving one final roar as a warning, a voice heard within it, “Dare venture to my island, I will kill all of you one by one until my shores are filled with your blood.” The ships crash into the shoreline with a loud bump and the monks throw the beams down for people to get off. Around the ships, lay a dense forest that haunts just through the darkness, and within the water, lay the masts of several ships from the past. On the beach several skulls are found laying in a heap of bones and the sand is tattered with blood occasionally. It is obvious that this is where they have come for, that this may be their end. The nations begin pouring out of the ships to an open field on their left, they begin to set up tents all around and begin to light their fires. The day grew on as parties set out into the woods to scout the island, many gathered at the weathered docks to the right of the ships and looked along the pathway going towards the pillaring mountain above the woods. As the dark of the night spreads across the camp people begin to gather in their camps and rest. Guards set up for watch around the edges, hours passing without commotion. Suddenly, as the sun reaches the sky and light starts spewing over the island again, a flash of fire pours on one of the camps igniting several tents. Screams are heard and the tent quickly falls in ruins. A menacing voice is heard from the sky, “You chose to ignore my warning, so your suffering will be my pleasure” The nations gather near the ships as the sun shines brilliantly, only the highest members of each nation are allowed on a designated ship for a council to be taken. The council declares that they stay and fight The Dragon manages to kill most of the group and the rest retreat The council declares that they flee back to their home lands. OOC Summary: Currently, I will not have any screenshots up for build designs, I’m currently discussing it with a few friends of mine and I’m also asking a few members of FyreUK whether they’d like to join in the building. But here is what I have planned. The entire island, will be decorated with a variety of different build styles. It’ll be a large island with a huge mountain in the center of it, this will be the key part to this event. Within the mountain, this is where the dragon lies, the mountains interior will have the design of the dwarven caverns, there will be much use of lava, and half blocks. We’ll try and give it a ruined and broken down look as well. We want to give this island a scary and old feeling to it, for this reason, we will have giant trees scattered around the island making a large and dense forest, with this, several other parts of the island will have a more darkened feel to them. I would like to make a small kingdom somewhere on the corners of an island, we can whether the kingdom down and absolutely destroy it, adding vines and overgrowth all over. Here is where I have some problems with the idea of all designs.. I do not actually know much about orcish builds and for that reason I can’t detail what’ll be built for the orcs, perhaps a statue of them or something to praise their worth? The island, having a good feel to it, will already have what we need waiting, where we land, there will be masts coming out of the water with torn up flags on them, and several other things will be made to give it that “scary as hell” feeling to it. We will land on the shoreline and have a small plank way to get off the ship, over to the right of the ship there will be a broken down dock, and from there a weathered away path going into the forest. To our left, there will be a “LARGE” open field, this is where the Nation Leaders will have their own regions to build tents for their nation. I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time now and I hope that its execution will go out smoothly if it reaches the attention of a Game Master. I am open to all suggestions to improve the execution of this event and I’d love to hear all feedback you guys and gals can give me! SORRY! I forgot the summary! Currently adding it in!
  14. Omg O.o...

    1. Auvreaeath
    2. 0000


      Related, I believe Skippy has a recording of me singing Mad World on Creative Cafe....

    3. Samson (Derick)
  15. Just built the most sexiest House Ever.. Going to make a manner charter for the temple after I get back

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      *You do not need to use 'most' with sexiest

    2. JoakimVonAnka


      It's most sexiest to use most before sexiest.

    3. Auvreaeath


      ;) Yea. I needed to use most

  16. *Sigh "Time to go to the Dentist again"

    1. Lykos


      Commence pre-dentist brush-fest

    2. Reader


      Now, Let's take a look at your teeth Auv.. Muhahah!

    3. Blackdragonhole


      Dentist isnt so bad... I keep my teeth so clean that my Dentist cant find anything wrong with me. Im out of my Dentist place in like 10-15minutes.

  17. Alright, we lost 0-5 Today, coach has put me in every position, (including Goalkeeper) because he's lost faith in everyone but my friend and I.. This.. Is.. Wonderful -.-

    1. Aryon
    2. Thu'um


      Auv, you can do it you can do it. you can do it.

    3. 0000


      You can do it!

  18. Gewdmorning everyone! Got a Soccer Game at school today, and I've got to present a presentation for GT. Wonderful -.-

    1. Aryon


      Auv plays sport? Kidding. Hope you win <3 And remember, Aryon will be with you. (Don't know if thats good or bad O.O)

    2. dyehu
  19. Dad: You should be paid as an FM, Me: Nope, no one ever does it for money, Dad: You need to ask so you can help pay for the internet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aislin


      ^ My mom doesn't even know where I live.

    3. hypercrit


      My parents know about LoTC :P They asked me the same question.

    4. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      My parents don't even know about LOTC.

  20. Many people have touched my life, but sadly you're not one of them. This is because you did more that touch my life, you left a mark for me to remember you by for the rest of my life.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Auvreaeath


      :P We didn't split up, we got together.

    3. Aryon


      ...Poor, poor girlfriend...Kidding. Wish you luck Auv, and I hope you can stay together.

    4. Malzar(Mythmaster26)


      I did?! Where is this mark? I must remove it. People aren't allowed to remember me -.-

  21. Alright, tonight we're going to have another Auv's Randomness Livestream for TS, LotC Forums, and maybe even in game? PErhaps we could get on a random server and LotC it up to?

    1. Samson (Derick)
    2. Heero



    3. 0000


      My server is a small RP server XD

      You could use mine

  22. Time to livestream part 2 of the Runescape Easter Event: livestream.com/Auvreaeath

  23. Hey Tav

    1. EmeraldStag


      Can you repost the link yo your livestream if you are still running it?

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