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Status Replies posted by FORƎST

  1. Here's an idea. How about we put down the swords, shields, maces, staves and weapons of mass destruction, and actually have a well-mannered conversation? No sarcasm, smartassery, wit, or any of that. Just a civilized: 'this is my problem' with a response such as: 'I see, there are some things I do and don't agree with. Let's compromise.'

  2. To post or not to post. That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer with slings and arrows of the LOTC community or to take arms against a sea of GMs and by opposing end them. (Should I post my GM app now? Previous speech had no relevance.)

  3. Mezua~ ♥ ツ And just as I thought. Posted an opinion, it got deleted. GOD FORBID, WE SAY ONE TINY BAD THING ABOUT THE GM'S AND THEY DELETE IT. What? Afraid of an uprising? Hahaha.

  4. Mezua~ ♥ ツ And just as I thought. Posted an opinion, it got deleted. GOD FORBID, WE SAY ONE TINY BAD THING ABOUT THE GM'S AND THEY DELETE IT. What? Afraid of an uprising? Hahaha.

  5. Mezua~ ♥ ツ And just as I thought. Posted an opinion, it got deleted. GOD FORBID, WE SAY ONE TINY BAD THING ABOUT THE GM'S AND THEY DELETE IT. What? Afraid of an uprising? Hahaha.

  6. I fell like a noob but I'm not.. well I don't know how to get on ts anymore... where's that menu we used to have?

  7. FOR GOD'S SAKES PEOPLE!!! The GMs are not here to conspire against us. They are trying to make the game good FOR US. I am truthfully tired of the flame war going on. How do you think the GMs feel when a mean post is made about them? If you have a problem talk to a GM in private. You will probably be listened to more too.

  8. FOR GOD'S SAKES PEOPLE!!! The GMs are not here to conspire against us. They are trying to make the game good FOR US. I am truthfully tired of the flame war going on. How do you think the GMs feel when a mean post is made about them? If you have a problem talk to a GM in private. You will probably be listened to more too.

  9. Name this character; He wears a suit, he is good with girls, and is the opposite of his sexuality in real life.

  10.   Disconnected from server (invalid parameter size)

  11. Flormai, finally getting back on their feet.

  12. Out of curiousity, why was the -1 feature removed?

  13. If you want the Kharajyr to come with us to 3.0, post your support via status! Save the Kha2012

  14. Was Dalek348 banned?

  15. How do I combine the head of one skin and the body of another?

  16. idea; Elves; retaliation attack on oren?????

  17. I can't express how glad Normandor is gone :D My character will be so glad if he hears those news... And he is an Elf from Aegis O.o

  18. so the elfs arent really dead...right?!

  19. I type "Hello" and it brings me to WSC.. is this a bug or is it just me?

  20. Need information on the Oren relgion. I know nothing about it, this is vital. I need to know who to talk to, or what topics to look at.

  21. Alright, I demand a Forum Group "Kangaroo Kicker". Germans can have the group "Nazi" Scots "Barbarians" etc

  22. Since when did everyone begin to have hidden blades from Assassin's Creed? O_o

  23. Someone please help me!!!! im new to forums and my app got denied again for not being posted on planetminecraft. but when i go on it says i have 3 active post. but it only even let me view the post. WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?!?!

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