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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by FORƎST

  1. I'm...just going to leave the server. It's just that without your friends around, it's not much fun RPing.

  2. Whoever got banned, what rank were they on the forums? FM, GM anything? I'm rather interested in doing something for the community and if we're gonna need some new people...

  3. I have no idea what's going on.

  4. off to go watch the new MIB film~

  5. This is the last time many of you will see me. Goodbye my friends, it's been a good run. *waves*

  6. From what I hear, making bread will now require a cooking level, and 4 planks from a log will require a lumberjack level...?

  7. I made Vaq make bows incredibly hard to make! /achievementget/

  8. From what I hear, making bread will now require a cooking level, and 4 planks from a log will require a lumberjack level...?

  9. Really bad time for a crash I was having some nice RP

  10. Question time: Is weed in Asulon? Someone is RP smoking weed so I'd like to know :3

  11. I think giving the players the ability to kill if provoked without a VA was a mistake. It hasn't even been that long and you're already hearing about people without VAs slaughtering whole groups of people.

  12. Arethor Brothel! Come over now! :P

  13. heyy gang! need some help. what is a good website to customize skins, and get a great 3d view of the character. not minershoes, but its something else! Anyone have ideas?

  14. Server down for anyone else?

  15. I am very close to switching custody from my mom. I dont have time to whine about it for she is currently drunk and calling me obscene names. I just wanted to say that I may be gone for a bit, may not. I'll find a way to stay it may just be hard.

  16. *Adds Ouity to app team chat, instantly shuns him for using Internet Explorer.* Feels good man.

  17. The tournament today was the best RP Alras has seen in months, and I think the best RP I've seen all server. I'd like to thank everybody whom showed up and the GMs that helped out. WOO!

  18. Neko made a pretty graphic for me. PM HER NOW SO THAT SHE CAN MAKE ALL OF YOU A GRAPHIC.

  19. Just found out something that might hinder the plugins ability to make everyone happy. I'm sure everyoen will find out once they use alts who don't have permissions for the area the shop is in and try to buy. ~Hint: You can't open chests in areas you don't have permission for. Let the anger against ChestShop commence!

  20. I just had my 7 pigs turn into pigzombies. How am I going to explain this to the farmer... "Yeah, you're gonna need to get me some more pigs. They all turned into foul creatures of the night" *walks off* What do you guys think?

  21. When was the last time the VA Open Responses were updated? These are a tad.. outdated..

  22. FINALLY FOUND ONE buildersunite.mchosts.com

  23. Anyone wanna go play on a survival server with me for a hour?

  24. Does anyone make rings in RP?

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