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Everything posted by Rissing

  1. Should or shouldn't I, draw Aster in full ceremonial dresses ?

    1. Bawd


      That'd look pretty cool.

    2. Mucky
  2. Off to do a 'way' too hard test... :

  3. - takes a seat as he grabs some popcorn, eating it eagerly as he looks down at panda, grabbing a last hand full off popcorn and offering her the whole bucket " There you go, dear " -

  4. OI..

    Did you just posted on my profile ?

    - slaps -

  5. Oi, you just post on my profile ? O_O

    - slaps -

    - hugs -

  6. I got an ZERO on eighty for pointing out a mistake that my teacher made on his test ! I'm just.. erh.. - smashes all the things, hugging them afterwards -

    1. Rissing


      Nevermind, he sended his appologies and explanation. ^-^

    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      I was going to say, talk to his boss about it. :P

  7. Without any reason, at all. I'm all happy today. So to share my happyness. - huggles snuggles all -

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda is happy when her friends are happy ^ ^

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      :) Great to hear that, Chris! :D!

  8. Mom'll be angry when she finds out I downloaded 38 gigs of Music today.. x3

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      so you downloaded a little less than 38,000 songs?

    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      how many double or triple


    3. Rissing


      Nah, with the music video with them. ^-^

  9. I'm bored.. tell me something to do :

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. gingernut97


      Waste some time watching robot chicken or aqua team hunger force!

    3. Watyll


      Lather yourself with vaseline and pretend to be a slug.

    4. Rissing


      Omgosh.. why do you all give me grose ideas to do..


  10. I'm sorry if I have ruined any comming rp for you, it was never my intention to be banned, afterall.

    ( Don't look at the one below here, it's not quite right formulated. )

  11. I'm sorry I had to ruin your character by getting banned.

  12. I litteraly sneezed 17 times on my keyboard, today..

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      I miss you. :(

    2. Wheatley


      Bless your face.

    3. danic


      If you sneeze during this video, Bless you.

  13. My head feels like it'll be imploding anytime, now.

  14. I don't Lurk O_O

    I stalk :3

    And hai ~


  15. Has reached lvl 80 on guildwars in exactly 163,54 hours. ( Less than seven days. )

    1. Bawd


      Has not got around to buying GW2 yet because he's saving for a gaming PC. Sadface. ono

    2. mmat


      'Has not got around to buying GW2 yet because he's saving for a gaming PC. Sadface. ono'

    3. Rissing
  16. Freya, I don't know if you have blocked me on Skype or not. But I'm merely logging in on the LoTC website to ask you to unblock me for a mere moment so I can post one thing to you.

    ( I would do it as I don't know or you know the things yet. )

  17. Anyone knows some coloring tutorials ? I'm average at drawing but when I color my drawings it's just.. blerg..

    1. Sorsby


      Stay within the lines.

    2. Dash_Rogers


      I would upgrade from crayons to colored pencils and just have patience when coloring inside the lines. Which coloring book do you have? Is it the one where you learn about the dinosaurs? That is one of my favorites.

    3. Rissing


      Erh.. no I sell my drawings.. for around 300 euros.. That is for my hand drawn angels. The problem is I cannot color at all.

  18. Yush!, got invite for a closed testing of GW2.. hehe :3 Tough only for 5 hours :

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dilara(lotteje13)


      *4 hours and its just a stress test o3o

    3. Dargene


      I got into all of dem because i got teh game :D

      Cant wait, only like 20 days or so

    4. Rissing


      It's not a stress test ^-^

      Hmm.. in like 43 hours I got 5 hours private with 100 other GT's ^-^

  19. pompompom...

    1. Dilara(lotteje13)



    2. Dilara(lotteje13)



    3. Rissing



      How you knew that ?!

  20. Pfjew, back home.. gone from the network-less zone of madness O_O Tough I have to admit reading a book and just sitting in the sun has been very relaxing ^-^

    1. Dilara(lotteje13)
    2. Dilara(lotteje13)
    3. Rissing


      Aw, thank you :3

      - huggles -

  21. Mom: " Ey were leaving for 3 days to the sea " Me: " Yush! " Mom: " You can't move the computer along, like last time... " Me: - dies -

  22. God, been reading that bestseller book of America now, it's good ... like seriously. The writting is like normal, nothing exceptional. But it's subject and meh... just read it :3 It's worth it, atleast I find so. As I am totally into the genre of that book..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rissing


      Meh, I like it :3 Didn't buy it tough I mean.. google the pdf ^-^

      Anyhow.. I like it And it's no SBDM Manual D:

    3. Rissing


      It's BDSM by the way.

      Not SBDM.

    4. Rissing


      That is not ment in any vulgar way, for any one who reads this. I rather not have my forum account banned.

  23. 43 blooded leaves fall to the ground as only 27 of them shall hatch into eggs, of 27 eggs only 12 shall become a bird. Of 12 birds 7 shall die. Of the 5 left ones only 3 shall have dark feathers. 2 of their dark feathers shall be purged. Until only 1 bird remains dark featherd. This bird shall turn into a crow and feed itself onto the rotting corpses of a million. ( It's a riddle O_O )

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Rissing


      Let me help you a little bit there. What if that tree has grown on blood greater then all the others and then it gives birth to 43 leaves. And these leaves shall grow upon the dead tree. And that's the hint :3 That's even the first part :D Try to think in an evil way ^-^

    3. Thrym


      My brain is doing something akin to a slug when you pour salt on it as I sit agonizing over what in the world this could be...

    4. Rissing


      It's just a real ridel. The best point is that the answer has yet been there three times...

      - spooky -

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