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Everything posted by Rissing

  1. Today I composed three different songs on the violin. What depri mood isn't good for ! xD I will probably write the post consindering 199th murder this evening. :)

  2. And I've got Admin permissions to make my post / thread ! Just have to follow some guidelines and rules ! - makes a swirl and dances like a little fairy ! Pew ! -

  3. Not so long ago I saw someone getting pushed against a stall. I thought I will help him a hand and be a friendly guy today, since the attacker ( The one that pushed ) was going to slid the one being pushed' throat. Upon which I forced them easily out of eachother and saved the victim. Upon which he suddenly said oocly " Get ready for PvP " Even though I had saved him rply from a slid throat. I slowly moved by and told the attacker just to leave since I had thrown him against a tree. It ended up involving a GM and several friends. And a waste of my time, for most. Because of this PvP Default. I am sorry but I am simply saddend and would love to know who ever had the idea to create a PvP Default rule on an rp rule. Since I would love to hear your way of thinking behind.. Thank you.
  4. I was wondering since my 199th kill will soon happen, will I be allowed to add a slightly gory post, to call out my 200th kill ?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. argonian


      Wow counting all your kills is pathetic. If I counted all my kills on various PVP servers it'd be in the thousands.

    3. Lago


      RP kills, he means.

    4. Lago


      On one character.

  5. Aster' place !! Or.. TOWNSVILLE ( Power Puff Girls )
  6. 190 kills.. I have to do something special for my 200th ! x3 Any high member willing to die for that ? Anyone special ?*

    1. Anawkin


      Advance towards me, brethren.

  7. 190 deaths.. I have to do something special for my 200th ! x3 Any high member willing to die for that ? Anyone special ?

  8. Mitochondria - Mitochondrien It is a small 'thing' as to speak which each of your bodies cells contain. It is the base building stone of every cell.
  9. http://www.yourepeat.com/watch?v=6JIbFLH7FFY Being a villain.. isn't hard because of the rp or meta. It's the soltitude :
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JIbFLH7FFY I actually like this, I myself am writting up a whole post. With a proposal and an offer as towards any king or leading figure to play a game of death with me. Since it is utterly annoying to see people hopping around after you killed them. There are even several people that hop up towards your character, intentionally fooling around with him.. Ofcourse, you could not force this upon people. But I already do this, simply by asking players or they could do etc etc This is a handy thing, yet I think if you simply speak with the player in question. That you could easily achieve this, it is what I do.. EDIT: Someone tell me how I can put a nice youtube video Q_Q
  11. I am thinking on making Aster become good, thoughts on this ?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Evilbanana5757


      I mean considering he ran up to some guy at the druid grove, stabbed him, shot some magic then ran off screaming, I doubt it would happen anytime soon.

    3. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      After being through as much as he have I think it very unlikely. But it's your choice. :)

    4. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      You already are a student of oogie man, you never turn good. MURRHAHAHA

  12. Could I ask if this is a reqruitment thread or an imformative manner to show that you are around ? :) Thank you, kindly !
  13. Aster got declined Q_Q ... by a lady Q_Q ... Prepare for an onslaught...

    You cant break a monster' hearth.. he will murder everything and all he can find..
    1. MamaBearJade


      <3 Vera still likes you~

  14. This monk ward at CT.. feels so PG.. :/ I want to eat you Little kid !! Wherever you are >:G

    1. Eleatic


      >Ward that prevents murder on the lands of a holy order of monks that ressurect the dead and are completely neutral


    2. Heff
  15. I need a Wife/Husband ICly.. LOL ! xD Cus I want a kid and a bookshop O_O

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ford


      why dont people rply try to find husband and wife instead of just fugging setting up like betas.

    3. Thatpyrodude
    4. Heff


      what "涉该爱" said...


  17. And everyone seeps away in a dark sleep, forver sleeping and roaming in darkness..

  18. And everyone seeps away in a dark sleep, forver sleeping and roaming in darkness..

  19. What jens said. You people get enjoyement from bashing down other people'work.. ? People can always try and he even said that he requested. Assuming from seeing over and over the same comment I take that most of you were too lazy. To read it and read every word, seeing as he ASKED for an admin to see if it were possible. Meaning all those comments you gave, about special snowflakes can go to - input words here :D - Honestly, I really dont know why you 'people' continue to do it. Was the same thing with the How to be an Assasin guide.. Have some respect and dignity, holy hell.. Special snowflakes you guys say ? Well some of you are quite special yourself. Nearly everyone is on lotc. And you know what, I damn like it. Cus a special snowflake isn't the same old bandit yet again. I am a special snowflake too.. Most are.. And I asked something near the same as this a week or two ago, but I asked it in a pm. ( MERELY TO PREVENT GETTING BASHED ) And instantly asked the permission of a lore master. And I actually got my things that I wished for, even though there were restrictions. So stop the bashing. And go do something usefull or stop wasting your time, giving comments. I hope you all have a pleasant day. To the poster: Love how you try to be a prophet ! Keep trying, you can only win :)
  20. Seeing that last roof, it actually helped me, where I thought I was already an adept builder, you helped me :3 Thankies ! EDIT: Don't forget the stonen balconies !!
  21. Was wondering on making a Torture guide, or not.. ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Merkaken


      You should.

    3. Lago


      I wouldn't.

    4. Merkaken


      Maybe give reason why he wouldn't instead of just saying "No"

  22. I do have to note I do like the lore :3
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