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Status Replies posted by KoTo

  1. Dammit, KoTo already has Slade as his avatar. Now what am I going to fanboy over...

  2. What's the first online game that you ever played? I can tell you, I was happily surprised when I figured out that Runescape connects you with people all over the world.



  5. Death to the Orenian invader!

  6. So is knox actually banned? because he hasn't been unbanned yet if it was april fools.

  7. You people suck at april fools jokes

  8. You people suck at april fools jokes

  9. Wait wot. Can't tell if Koto is joking since it's April's Fools or if Knox really is perma-banned.

  10. please stop the harrassment ty

  11. cruz is a dirty troll and is up to no good

  12. cruz is a dirty troll and is up to no good

  13. i'm back yo

  14. One more reputation point and I get an even hundred again.

  15. Do people actually think that reverting Oren back to the Asulon/Early Anthos system will improve it? Knox and Senda (and Cracker before them) geniuelly know what they're doing. Reverting back into essentially 12 mini ghost nations where the commoners number less than 10 would benefit the visorak horde of nobles and suck everywhere else.

  16. hello i am playing fallout what is your favorite fallout??

  17. ive decided to become a blogger

  18. Time to cry as I play my ranked placement games for League

  19. Australia is currently the hottest place on earth, GG http://gyazo.com/54d9e241640525dd469030e0b2c3e7c4

  20. A certain individual says that I cannot open a chest in PvP, then take out a sword and use it. Are chests globally banned from PvP or is he just making **** up because he lost?

  21. A certain individual says that I cannot open a chest in PvP, then take out a sword and use it. Are chests globally banned from PvP or is he just making **** up because he lost?

  22. There is Ned Lud Jesus, Ski King Moses, and there is Heff! - ""Easiest way to avoid a cybering ban is to avoid FTB RP." This. Never ftb rped in my life cause I don't want to end up doing it with a freakin 40 year old man."

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