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  1. Are there any cool underground races which are playable other than pigmen

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Kim


      I think the moderation of creature characters is in place by the creators and lore team so the creatures cannot be roleplayed incorrectly or improperly. A few creatures I've seen are open to play but only require a simple request to the creator to play them. When they ask, the creator is able to see who wants to play said creature and say yes or no depending on the players reputation as a good or bad roleplayer (if they're able to provide good roleplay, or else the event team would ac...

    3. Kim


      cept anyone willy nilly, going by y'all's logic C= ).

    4. KarmaDelta


      Porkour is a Dwarf in a pig costume I believe. Same thing with Dtrik in a Kha costume and a Halfling used to roleplay in a fish suit.

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