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Status Updates posted by hypercrit

  1. The dog's face at the end. I laugh every time. http://i.imgur.com/o03WY.gif

  2. The one time I want to log into LoTC, my RP get's continuosly cut down...so upset.

    1. HuskyPuppy
    2. Sargeblub


      I've never RPed with you but you seem pretty awesome :I

  3. The packet is getting bigger everyday. 7, 64, and now 86. What will we do when it can no longer feed on the server, when it comes to us? WHAT THEN I SAY?

    1. Jchizz


      Brace yourselves... LOTC is coming.

  4. The song I put on repeat when doing applications:

  5. The Survival Games 2!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. everblue2er101


      It suddenly went down...?

    3. cometking123


      :P Not whitelisted. I am sadz.

    4. CloakandDagger


      White list me please...?

      I give cookies...?

  6. They better not put sport on tonight....it is pissing rain down...

  7. Thinking about joining the Subudai on my alternate account. What process/s do I have to go through?

  8. Thinking of 'restarting my character'. Two things I want to do are 1. Be a baby to some good roleplayers and age my character in ingame years. 2. Join a pirate crew

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sinstrite


      RP as a pirates baby raised on the open sea, growing up hearing tales of lost treasure - Then when you get older start a pirate navy, er... yeah, pirate navy.

    3. hypercrit


      Problem is...I need pirate parents

    4. Sinstrite


      RP as a baby adopted by a couple who found you on the shore of a beach, later learning you come from a pure pirate bloodline - Then when you get older start a pirate navy, er... yeah, pirate navy.

  9. Thinking of applying for FM...again...

    1. CBBro


      I'll vote for you. :3

    2. hypercrit


      Haha, awesome. Thanks

  10. Thinking of creating an Australian Time Zone guild. Does one already exist?

    1. Aislin


      Don't think so.

    2. gabriel101x1


      I want to join.

    3. Aislin


      I personally recommend you start a small town near cloud temple for Aussies. But, don't make it boring and bland like certain /other/ cloud temple villages. Provide the people something to do. I may do this, actually.

  11. Thinking of getting GoT...

    1. Ursolon


      Thinks Hyp's got the right mind set.

  12. Thinking of getting the 'Arma' games...anyone have them?

  13. Thinking of going for FM...

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      I'll vouch for you. You'd make a great member.

    2. hypercrit
  14. Thinking of going for GM...I never RP these days due to the huge size of Asulon, better to put those aimless wanderings to good use.

    1. V0idsoldier


      Do it! You are responsible, and nice, unbiased and generally helpful, you stand a chance!

    2. EmeraldStag


      I'd +up that app. Your are an amazingly nice and helpful person.

    3. 0000
  15. Thinking of joining House Flay...

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Main or Alt?

    2. hypercrit


      Main of course!

    3. hypercrit


      I could never give up the Subudai.

  16. Thinking of making a 'Plague' machinima after it's done, to recap on the events that we went through during it.



      That would be amazing.

    2. 154684321654951


      I agree, do it!

    3. Shuness


      *agrees to be a body actor*

  17. Thinking of making a halfling...Thoughts? Who else plays?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trouvo


      that was fast...what happened to peter?

    3. Beneh


      Current Halflings are :




      ( Girl , forgotten her name XD )


      -Something- Featherfoot.

    4. Beneh


      And yes , Halfling RP is the funniest and most entertaining around :)

  18. Thinky thinky think...Mori Bio

    1. hypercrit


      Am I allowed to be in one of the noble houses straight off the bat, or will I hvae to work towards that ingame?

  19. This is the last time many of you will see me. Goodbye my friends, it's been a good run. *waves*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. danic


      Why are you leaving? If it's about the whole hacking, we don't hate you, we know it's not your fault :(

    3. ryno2
    4. Aryon


      APPARANTLY people hate him. It isn't fair guys. If you are hating on him, stop it. Now.

  20. This Lore is turning out awesome. Thanks Daniel for letting me do this!

    1. Eledyr


      wait a second here...what Daniel and what lore? :O

      (certain daniel asked me to write lore a

      s well xD)

    2. Daniel


      Same Daniel :D

  21. Those who want to participate in an event, gladiator fights, boat battles, waves of survival and other fun stuff, PM me and I will get back to you with the IP of my server. Me and Messenger of Death are hosting this event tonight.

    1. hypercrit


      It is just a little private server run with me and my friends, and is currently being used for a machinima that we are making. I am not trying to advertise, we just need more people for this event.

    2. TheWhiteWolf


      For all those not Rping and looking to have a little fun come and join in!

    3. Lykos


      -insert rambling about advertising here-


  22. Time to play my alt account, bitchy dwarf chicks FTW

    1. danic


      You should meet Evers sensitive, stuttery lesbian dwarf chick:D

    2. Sila


      Nice! Hope to meet you in game sometime xD

      I now successfully obtained some wood and bread

      Continue on travel (or getting lost) around Asulon.

      I will probably die a million times now without my soulstone

    3. hypercrit


      Haha, you should head to Salvus, get food and stuff there. It's always got RP going on, and most of them are pretty good Rpers IMHO.

  23. Tired Hyper is tired...

    1. Aryon


      Its 6:40. Man up.

    2. hypercrit


      I went to bed at 1, and I have been getting up at 4 the last few days. Now all the tiredness just hit me..

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