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Status Updates posted by hypercrit

  1. Wanna meet some Aussie LoTCers IRL...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aryon


      You've already done that...

    3. Cappy


      Like me?

      Wait, no, I'm paranoid and antisocial.

    4. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      IT'S A TRAP!!!

      Sorry, I had to.

  2. Want to make a LoTC video...what would you guys like to see?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pim (Elestor Calafalas)
    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda is the good role player~ MWAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAH!

    4. ayresalex


      The Pyke! MY GUYS! OH EM GEE


  4. Was thinking since there is barely ever a 'Most Noticed Player' or a 'Player of the Week' anymore, I could run my own thing that's kind of similar so awesome players could be noticed more....thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Aryon


      May I be one of said team?

    3. Danny


      I'm almost done with this weeks interview. I'll talk with tou rommorow about this?

    4. Haelphon


      Hyperion, please message me when you get the chance ;)

  5. We need to RP together so I can support yo' shtuff.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aandie


      Weekend + 1 week holiday :3 ha

    3. Lykos


      I have a badass weekend coming. Go to mothers, plug pc and xbox into 80in tv, eat milkduds, drink redbull, and play for 2days strait. (she has a tv of the size due to winning some big scratch offs.)

    4. hypercrit


      Haha...we have a 70in...80 inch is...big

  7. Well! Turns out a stupid friend of mine is going to release a ban report on me for 'raiding' his house on a factions server, and other things totally unrelated to LoTC. Stay tuned~!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rilath


      I agree, you should be banned. :p

    3. Schwaan


      That was cute. Also, you're wrong.

    4. Falks


      Goth Ye' Bach Broh.... :P

  8. Well...I went trick or treating in America, kind of. Was too terrified to actually go to people's door XD

    1. Redbaron™


      In america you're the treat and they eat you.

    2. Jchizz


      >:D Shhh, don't tell them!

  9. What an amazing website : http://www.breathingearth.net/

    1. Brokencrowe


      A scary one, too.

    2. 154684321654951


      The fact that more people in Britain are dying over being born doesn't scare me. Interesting site, thanks for the share!

  10. What day is the migration? Can we please do it on the weekend, only reason I could participate today was because my mother let me stay home from school :P

  11. What laptop should I get if I want a cheap, but also gaming PC?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hypercrit


      Yeah, when I have my own house XD

    3. Maximas1211


      My laptop is really good. Do you want me to send you the details on it?

    4. hypercrit
  12. What should I make a Guide about?

  13. What'd you mean by the 'I do' on my status update? Do you want something done?

  14. What's something exciting to do on the forums that isn't a mindless game in the off-topic section...

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      +1 all of my posts!

    2. Tentoa


      Read denied server applications.(Hint: Bring popcorn, and a tissue)

  15. When does voting begin for AIC? And how do we do it? Is it a poll or doen through PMs? I am confuzzled.

  16. When I next get a chance to be on my alt, I'll be there!

  17. Whenever I see Ouity's signature, I go to wipe the bugs off my screen.

  18. Where can I find Halfling lore? Wiki?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hypercrit


      Haha, I didn't mean that you said that at all! My apologies, I meant no disrespect!

    3. Beneh


      Haha , it's alrighty , I was the one wrong XD

      Anyway , I look forward to seeing you around in the Vale. Always good to have another Halfling ! :)

    4. hypercrit


      Should be awesome!

  19. Where to do my fiftieth post...*thinks

  20. Whew! Support on VA! Now the VAT just needs to accept it! :P

  21. Which FM deleted that whole topic?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Volutional


      If I'd have seen what you put, I'd have unapproved the whole thing too. It did look like you wanted that.

    3. hypercrit


      Eh, I know. Damnit, I hope I can get that back.

    4. Taiga


      ._. Oh. You didn't specify the post.

      I'll retrieve it back. I only unapproved it.

  22. Who thinks I'm good at RP'ing? Sometimes I doubt my abilities...

    1. Ursolon


      I don't know who you are.... So yes.

  23. Who wants to make me a female sexy Dark Elf skin?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hex37


      what, you going to ditch Hyperio?

    3. hypercrit


      Nah, just get my alt a char.

    4. Gladuos


      Why must people always make it sexy if the character is female. IM GOING TO KILL ALL THE DEGROES ANYWAY... I apologize for that.

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