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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by FalconByte

  1. Any gm free to jump on for a sec to help me?

  2. Fingers crossed I get this job ohmagoshhhhh.

  3. Heading North to that freezing wasteland they call Europe in a few hours, wont be back until the 10th of July. Probably wont be able to get on the forums while Im gone, and there's an even smaller chance Ill be able to get in-game. Bbl, LoTC. Will miss my Aussies :C

  4. I love this server and it's community

  5. Quiet day on the forums.

  6. Are we going to get the Dynamap any time soon, or is that not coming back?


  8. Is our delightful server online?

  9. Am I trippin' or did the server just crash?

  10. Truth or dare went bad in lotc. Dont do it. Ever.

  11. Happy Thursday folks!

  12. I just realised I have 10,005 profile views... wow. But meh, back to work. Yay...

  13. See you guys in one month

  14. I want my soulstone again.... =(

  15. Happy birthday too me -plays violin-

  16. I might be Joining the Shield of Oren! Exciting stuff

  17. I might be Joining the Shield of Oren! Exciting stuff

  18. Going away until friday, see you all soon!

  19. Spending the early morning of my B-day purging my computer of old stuff (Found some ancient Aegis Dwarf videos though!)

  20. Crash , Or just reallllyy bad lag?

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