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Status Updates posted by Mankaar

  1. Got a teso beta key but my internet connection would make the download take three plus days.. this sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mankaar


      I just want to see the damn game! I mean only a few people were chosen for it and I wont even be able to see it.......

    3. Googlesearch


      Unlucky :P I have insane internet but I doubt I will be chosen :(

    4. paulie


      Wait, you got a beta key? I thought those were just myths.

  2. Six hours of carting today... I can't wait! :c

  3. Spent the day working on concepts for my tower that will either be built in Anthos or whenever 4.0 comes about, What ya crazy kids think? http://gyazo.com/716d1f49ce6bccd4951f1f256c286966

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      That model is a tower, your creation however, from the angle provided looks like a stone house sorta-thing mating with a tree.

    3. cman64


      I think it looks pretty cool, but could resemble a tower a bit more

    4. Mankaar


      Yea I took a pic from a weird angle... heres a better one if you wanna come back and check. http://gyazo.com/d25591e2d7b7d2c1a4f0fdfb1b13571c

  4. two cups of tea and a caffeine drink mix, I am shaking! Can't wait for the crash, WOOOOT!

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I crashed today operating a camera, was not fun because we almost started recording. (For the record my school has a professional tv studio)

  5. Sorry to the two kittens I was rping with power went out!

  6. So wait, wait.. were not even using the nexus plugin that has taken the tech team like a year to make? I don't mind the new idea but I would have liked to see nexus.

    1. Mish_


      Re-read post, it says we MAY use MMORPG, that is like a Plan1a

    2. Sneaky


      Techs wont finish the plugin lol

  7. Support Kanrath!

  8. Is Blundermores status hinting at a ghost plugin? ;o

    1. Lark


      hahahhaa for the sake of my life I must say no.

    2. Dreek


      No, character cards were reset, and ./setname broke. So those who had their cards were reset were shown as invisible.

  9. The staff are working there hardest to better the server. If there is an issue talk to them civilly about it before going on a rampage.The staff did not drop the server in a hole, the community did. I am personally shocked the server has not been closed yet.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mankaar


      That aye was @Agent Sunny and No the community should work on bettering itself, the staff cant fix constant community arguments, we can however, Just try to get things done civilly once and a while and lotc will be a better place.

    3. Raptorious


      suck more d, you'll get gm soon enough m8!

    4. Mankaar


      @Raptor That comment was absolutely pathetic, Rude, and not needed. You are just one of the many prime examples of people trying to stall the servers progress and make something thats supposed to be fun, hard for people. I just.. I am ashamed a comment like yours was made.

  10. What ever happened to holidays? I really enjoyed meeting up somewhere in game and rping with a ton of people in a big festival.

  11. Who would I speak to in regards to becoming a ghost?

    1. Jistuma


      You can become one without asking anyone. You just need an MA if you want to perform ghost magic (being invisible, changing shape, etc.)

  12. *Will be very upset if the Undead do not return in 4.0*

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      *Will be very upset if they do*

    2. Mankaar


      ^ *comment saddens me*

  13. I'm thinking of making a post on implementing wine into the ale plugin... hmm.. what do you peoples think?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Demotheus


      I think wine is "fruity concoction" that's what I think it is anyway lol

    3. gam



    4. Evilbanana5757
  14. For everyone who took the Psat's today http://gyazo.com/d9cc34ad419a984d4628d1d67080e4fa

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nononymous


      Lmao, I love you Beaded Dark Elf

    3. Mankaar


      luv u 2 bby <3

    4. Heero


      Aaaaah. I see what you did there Princeton. :^]

  15. My brain just exploded.. this is to much "Art" http://youtu.be/RnpyRe_7jZA

    1. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      only watched it for boobies and bum

    2. Eetswa


      bum is so tasty.

  16. Pre-Sat's Tomorrow, YAY!..

    1. ToenailTickler


      Same here ;-; :D

    2. Shorsand


      Me too, but I forgot to sign up!

    3. rukio


      I already did mine c:

  17. * Trys to buy books for the ministry of contemplation from a mage *... * Mage assumes I want her to teach me magic and yells at me *... * I leave crying inside *

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mankaar


      pl.. please!

    3. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      -give him a jar of cookies-

    4. Mankaar


      *slowly eats the cookies, feeling slightly better inside*

  18. I leave my account up on another computer and someone goes ahead and posts there Va on it.. *shakes head in disappointment *

  19. You would think Mojang would have fixed its server issues by now... http://gyazo.com/541ca628191bc110222e5a4416e06917

    1. Dyrr


      yep mojang pisses me off sometimes

  20. If you wish to self taught you're supposed to msg a Mat team member correct?

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      not quite, you need a lot of proof that your chracter knows and understands the magic too.

    2. Mankaar


      Aye, I have provided said proof in a pm to Cruz. I assume that's enough?

  21. If only I could live the life of my chinchilla..

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