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Status Updates posted by Heero

  1. Alright, someone wanna explain to me why DsDevil's forum account appears to be banned as well as why he's banned in-game? o_o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Messenger of the Darkness

      Messenger of the Darkness

      "Dubby see dat purshuun all da time at Dunjon Realmzzz"

    3. Cyndikate


      I'm filled with so much rage right now.

    4. Nefarious Aus Shitpost
  2. Not again. ;~;

  3. Felt you needed to see this.
  4. Happy belated womb-escape day Urasept~

  5. Damnit Riot! D:http://gyazo.com/ded7e8eff231b83f89b0dceb7ae5769a.png

  6. R.I.P. Maeghan. You're still greatly missed.

  7. Damnit Liri! Quit crashing the server!

    1. Avacyn






    2. lemontide331
  8. Owls. Everyone's fond of Owls. Except for mice 'N shrooms. And Simon Cowell.

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      I think it's mice and shrews ... unless you are making a Teemo reference. Then GTFO! :)

  9. Got picked in Dilara's comission thingie. My response to being picked ~ http://cache.gyazo.com/afc82170108a7dce03149c8ac5b3ec34.png

  10. Assumptions lead to mistakes.

    1. Drelik
    2. Stevie


      i cri evry tim

    3. Lvke


      liek if ur not racis1 if u ignore u go to hell!!1

  11. Left, right, straight ahead There's no way out, you're dead Left, right, straight ahead There's no way out, you're dead.

  12. Seth, come on. Just a few more posts and you'll get Old Hat. But since you've been around for over a year, you'll also achieve Total Top Hat! Go Sethy, go!

  13. Admin, go home. You're drunk.

  14. Doing a project on safe sex for Health. I forgot what happens when you Google sex. Whoops, that's not going to help me for Health at all.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *creepy perv laugh*

    2. DrakeHaze.


      Did you use Safe Search? ;)

    3. Jchizz


      It might help with YOUR health.

  15. Baby come back!~

  16. One direction~

  17. My God, Evangelion 3.0 trailer. So pretty~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNLXSDLISUg

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Can't wait for this movie to be subbed. Huge fan of the original series and rebuild films.

  18. Baby come back!~

  19. Just started re-watching Gundam Wing in HD. Oh God, my childhood~

  20. Get on Skype more often you fiendish little Dark Elf, you!

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