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Status Updates posted by Heero

  1. Rule Five: Thou shall praise the God of Voices with Old South smells. -Presents the commandment.- http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/9793/pancakes.gif

  2. Well, best I take a much needed hiatus from LoTC. I'll hopefully be back eventually. Until then, I bid you adieu LoTC. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/93096-the-mages-guild/#entry828947

  3. I still can't believe Cakeman was banned. Dalek was offering some great and humerous RP. An interesting sight to see. Real shame to lose our Undead High Prophet. ;-;

  4. -Flails.- I'm losing it!

    1. Lark


      Don't tell me you got stuck in Kralta again...

  5. Worst. Lord Regent. Ever. It's official now! >:U

  6. Well womp. Ura killed the server. #UraIsTheNewLiri

  7. Well, now. I'm pretty proud of achieving this now. :3 http://gyazo.com/962c284f30061ec445948fe6c111272c.png

    1. Fid


      Fortinbras. Really. I'm going to make a character named Hamlet, we can have an overly theatrical rivalry.

    2. Heero


      Hehe. Glad you caught on.

  8. Apperently the whitelist got wiped...? :o

    1. Nug
    2. everblue2er101


      Server was put down by Tel to fix the damage caused by Gaius hacked account.

      Whitelist is fine, just no one can log in.

    3. Heero


      Ah. Thanks for dispelling that rumor.

  9. I swear, I'm completely and utterly addicted to Feed The Beast. :o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      Do you FTB alone or with multiple people?


    3. JtPv


      Define alone

    4. Heero


      @Felonious I actually play on a private server that's owned by a close friend of mine. We're all having a blast with our mojos and high-tech super gear. :3

  10. I rate the new antagonist 0/5. Worst antag ever. Bloodmages were better. Liches had more finesse. - Insert Megu no fun kitten meme.-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Patrick.
    3. Achilles


      But what about all the missed out Immolation? You gotta stick around for the Immolation Party.

    4. meg


      Megu No Fun Kitten meme? You wound me, Heero. You shall be the first immolated.

  11. You, bastard. Where thou has my little Aryon been hid-eth, eh?

    1. Heero


      Also get on Skype. I haven't seen you in ages. ;-;

  12. [1:39:07 PM] Hadley (Tanith/Lorin/Rosie): My elf character is a secret ninja assassin monk berserker. [1:44:53 PM] ᴋᴪᴫᴇ: Edgy [1:45:34 PM] Hadley (Tanith/Lorin/Rosie): I know. [1:45:43 PM] Hadley (Tanith/Lorin/Rosie): I'm cutting edge.

    1. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      She's being disowned.

  13. Father go to Riga bus station. Friendly salesman approach, "My friend! Buy brick, only 100 rubles!" Father run away before friendly salesman could give brick.

  14. http://i.imgur.com/VfC1ZQf.jpg An amazing image I got from Zane. :3
  15. The shaaaaame! ;-;

  16. Well, just read your status on being accept. Congradz man, though what's really worth mentioning is, DAT HAIR. ALL PINK. AND. AND. SPIKEY! Looks steller man. ;)

  17. AriButter makes me so happy. Oh how happy AriButter makes me feel.

  18. Rilath makes me wanna go around and whack people in the face with an alaska trout. o-o

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