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Status Updates posted by bov61

  1. My NW Regiment lost to a Reddit Regiment who had like 30 more players than us. The ending of each fight would be like 3v1. XD

  2. I watched "The Labrynth" with David Bowie for the first time in eight years. I never realized how disturbing it is. 0_o

    1. everblue2er101


      I'm never going to get over his crotch. Or the pirate baby. Or the freaky-ass fire dancer thingies. Or the fever peach. Or Hoggle.

    2. JtPv


      ...I wanted to see that movie...

  3. If all the races hate each other and are constantly at war, why do we all go to the same place?

    1. blindmind


      And THAT is the question.

    2. JtPv


      WE GOT A CODE RED! Get the pit ready...

    3. hypercrit


      To satisfy the plot. Why did the 10th Doctor have to die? THE PLOT DAMNIT, THE PLOT.

  4. Tunnel Snakes Rule!

  5. I'm going to punch your face....... in the face!

    1. CowsGoMoo



      (small voice, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!")

  6. Nothing has bummed me out more than the ending of Elfen Lied. :(

    1. Valdis


      lol i know how you feel

  7. I just finished watching all of Hellsing Ultimate!....... Just wow

  8. I'm watching Hellsing Ultimate :D

    1. Yoff


      You sir, are awesome.

  9. You must construct additional pylons!

    1. Telanir


      Ukeh. *doesn't construct additional pylons*

    2. DRAGON117op


      Fffff *gets banned for no rp building as a result of the lack of pylons*

  10. I got that ditch a car, ditches LOVE cars!

  11. Anyone want to play "Settlers of Catan" with me online?

    1. aron.


      I may. We'll see

  12. All the white is starting to make my eyes hurt! 0_0

  13. I am being ranted at in croatian by some croatian guy on TS 0_0

  14. I am being ranted at in croatian by some croatian guy on TS 0_0

  15. Now the middle of the film: Find the Fish

  16. Now the middle of the film: Find the Fish

  17. The guy who made War Z made Big Rigs! 0_0

    1. craotor


      The guy who made War Z made a total rip off and a **** game that is called War Z

    2. Esterlen


      more like bore z craotor.

    3. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      A whole history of awful games, eh?

  18. First person to put their Steam name gets Dota 2!

  19. Anyone know how to change your title on the forums?

    1. Roxforbraynz


      I've been wondering this as well.

    2. CTap


      FM has to change it

    3. Dante


      You need to get 500 posts. After that move to "Edit My Profile," and then there should be an option. If you really are in need of it, don't be afraid to contact an FM.

  20. Anyone know of any good Mount and Blade Warband mods?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      I like the vanilla game.

    3. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      you got the Floris mod which just adds a BUNCH of new ****.

    4. Space


      Napoleanic War mod.

  21. Anyone know of any good Mount and Blade Warband mods?

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