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Status Updates posted by bov61

  1. So many things happened in 2012!

    1. Fid


      OMG! I had lost JibJab. Now I found it again... thanks, haha.

    2. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      That about sums it it.

  2. In the future, there will be 500 games in your Steam Library, but nothing to play!

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      It all makes sense now!

  3. I got my driver's license! :D

  4. A terroristic threat was called to my school, so my school is going on lock-in :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Oh crap, stay safe man!

    3. Lykos


      Keep rifle close at hand.

    4. Alan


      ...same. :I What are you in? This can't be a coincidence D:

  5. Giving away a copy of Dota 2 on steam, first person to reply gets it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bungo


      I win, Dante deleted my comment or something like that.

    3. Dante


      *shifty eyes*

      Nu uh :I

    4. Amorphbutt


      Ladies, ladies you are both beautiful.

  6. Giving away a copy of Dota 2 on steam, first person to reply gets it!

  7. Decided to play Dwarf Fortress again. :/

  8. Decided to play Dwarf Fortress again. :/

  9. I think the server should have one central texturepack.

    1. EboBren'


      It used to, just hasn't been udated to my knowledge.

    2. ΩMercenΩ
    3. Bethykinss
  10. He's making a list, he's checking it twice. He's gonna go home and eat chicken and rice.

    1. CowsGoMoo


      MY dad who's a banker, is coming to town!

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      He's the Angry video game nerd...

  11. I'm watching Monty Python's Meaning of Life :3

    1. Lykos


      "Welcome to the middle of the film. Find the fish."

  12. Anyone know if it is a good idea to Jailbreak my iPod?

    1. Distance
    2. Fid


      Don't. Laggy as hell when you do.

    3. aron.


      Mine wasn't laggy. IF you know what you're doing, it is a charm.

  13. Here's a Halo 4 Double XP code SKCZ3ENPSF

  14. Here is a Halo 4 Double XP code if anyone wants it YM7C6YNBPH

  15. Why do I keep getting kicked!?

  16. What the heck happend to the server?

  17. What the heck happend to the server?

  18. I just had a nostalgia moment on the 1977 version of The Hobbit!

    1. fbPatty


      The greatest adventure is what lies ahead... Yes Peter Jackson's The Hobbit is coming out soon but the 1977 adaption will always have a special place in my heart :)

  19. I just had a nostalgia moment on the 1977 version of The Hobbit!

  20. I almost killed someone today from server withdrawl. 0_0

    1. CosmicWhaleShark


      Tone it down dude...

    2. Swgrclan


      Lord of the craft is a gate-way drug.

  21. Got my first real six string

    1. bov61


      Bought it at the five and dime

    2. bov61


      Bought it at the five and dime

    3. ThanksChris


      What do you mean by real six string? Did you have a fake guitar? Or one with a different string setup?

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