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Status Updates posted by Delrof

  1. Things would be so much more peaceful if everyone converted to the Canon..

  2. Serious question: If I was to make a Khalasheen fanatic mamluke would I be allowed to use the phrase 'Allahu ahkbar'?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      The Caliphate rarely even uses allahu akbar as a phrase, to be honest it is a very rare thing, so I'd say no.

    3. Malocchio


      The Caliphate uses normal Islamic phrases such as "Insha'Allah" (God willing) and Ya Allah which is like... oh God, but a bit different. I dunno. Like Faiz said, we don't really use Allah Akbar, for that is a war cry and not a normal thing. (Just to clarify, incase nobody it and someone is unaware: Allahu akbar, not spelled "ackbar" means God is good in Arabic. Normally only used by extremeists who are not even considered Muslims in Middle Eastern society.)

    4. Delrof


      Aight so.. I'm guessing that's a no then lmao. I'll suppose I'll try to find some other Arabic war-cry if I do come to make the character, sorry for causing a shitstorm FM's

  3. I wish to die.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Delrof
    3. Lark


      Np man, I've had to deal with bad feels myself so when I see stuff like this I want to make sure no one stays in hell.

    4. Anderssn
  4. How do I set a gucking gif as my forum pic

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Delrof


      he didnt ask u guck outta here

    3. GDPR 014

      GDPR 014

      Okay, so what you do is delete system 32, u can set a gif

    4. Delrof


      sounds good thanks mang

  5. The auction house should be rebuilt in huge and renamed the 'Grand Exchange'

  6. Someone should start up a Euthanasia guild! That'd be brilliant roleplay!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lawnmowerman


      Eh, I've mostly got some medic stuff xDD, spent 100$ on keys to unlock crates, I don't regret it! xP. Anyways... I have the following for Le Medic XDD: Templar's Spirit xD, Private Eye and Berliner's Bucket Helm! <3

    3. Delrof


      that's ****

    4. lawnmowerman


      Better than yours! xD xP!

  7. Nathan or Die

  8. #BringBackAtheraArena

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TavernLich


      No lol, served no pvrpose, rarely used.

    3. Dyrr


      I guess you were like the only one who used it. ;p

    4. StellarDweller


      The Arena a place where there was no rp what so ever, seeing it being replaced by a forest is a delight :) An Event area, I could already see the potential, Seeing whisps simple excites the mind of a high elf ready to study and learn more of the area

  9. so how do i kill iblees?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. oblivionsbane


      Well, he's actually a she, for one. She's a Mali'ker, or at least that is usually the form she takes. /Very/ beautiful, but in a kinda dark and evil sorta way. Maybe if you could seduce her somehow you could get close enough to kill her. I doubt she'd let you though. Back in the day she was sealed by throwing Krugs Axe into a (wrong) hole. There was a fifth descendant however, and his name was Shimmy Cattlestrand. He was the original halfling, and had what was considered to be...

    3. oblivionsbane


      ... the most ordained and powerful weapon in LotC's world, the master hoe. If you could find or obtain this master hoe, seduce Iblees, and strike her in the back of the head with it as she slumbers, you would be able to kill her.

    4. Delrof


      That's actually pretty neat

  10. Oi, I see people with various different custom member titles, how do I get one?

    1. Birdwhisperer


      You either need to be a certain forum rank (which requires 500 posts) or ask an FM. PM me if you have something specific you'd like it changed to.

    2. Delrof


      Aight, thanks for the info.

    3. lawnmowerman
  11. Cappy is Illuminati. Cappy has 5 letters, The Illuminati pyramid has 3 corners and 1 eye, 3 + 1=4, 5-4=1 the illuminati pyramid has 1 eye, Cappy is illuminati confirmed!

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