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Status Updates posted by Delrof

  1. someone please shoot me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lawnmowerman
    3. EdgyMagey


      *switches to demon-mode and frozes time and slays bullet in air while fyling whit demon wings but ooks more like angels wings

    4. Harri


      "goo"d he say and ptu ons glasse

  2. google, tell me....... is it Possibler for lotc roleplayer to have gf? how lotc roleplayer to get gf? is it Possilbe? "can" lotc roleplayer, GET gf? IS it actually possible, For lotc roleplayer to get gf?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Delrof


      ok correction a girlfriend that is below 400lbs

    3. HedgeHug


      You sir, made a new enemy today.

    4. Delrof


      cant take the heat stay out the kitchen boi

  3. But im wit the homies right noooow

  4. there is a missing option in the combat poll where is the option for bringing pvp matters to osrs wildy

    1. Ever


      deep wild or edge

    2. Harri


      i actually suggested this last night, warclaims are all fresh level 3 accounts down in deep wildy, and any monsters or high level PKers are basically einvironmental hazards and siege shots

    3. Delrof


      **** tht lvl 3 **** im bgs speccing the **** outta your minecraft pvping ass

  5. If you're after mage robes make sure you give me some suggestions before the 12th for a chance to win


    ~ G O T  A  B I G  S U R P R I S E  F O R  Y O U ~

  6. what have i becomb

  7. does any1 want to come to my 17th : )

    1. mitto


      hey... x

    2. Mj.


      U have no friends xd

  8. some of you need to realise that IC/OOC on LOTC power is worthless, stop acting like entitled pricks and take your heads from your arses

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Church of the Canon
    3. Delrof


      yea dude doing the exact same thing I think Im sick cos I play a POWERFUL char !_!

    4. Textarea


      IC & OOC power on LotC are everything

  9. Spartans never die.

  10. how do I edit my signature send help

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sky


      Top left, arrow next to your name and hit account settings. You'll see the signature tag.

    3. Sky
    4. Cytharia


      are u actually just a grandpa on the internet

  11. (!) you will never get the succ

  12. the server needs more ******* spaces

  13. does anyone want to play lego rock raiders on the net together

  14. Take a seat friend!

    1. lawnmowerman


      Thank you, friend.

  15. So Frost Witches are essentially feminazis, sweet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. zaezae


      ^ My trigger

    3. Proddy


      where's the equality

    4. zaezae


      There are enough male only clubs. Just leave the only female one alone lol

  16. (!) You've taken a tumble

  17. anime is not a true sport

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ford


      waifu hunting

    3. Nolan_


      Filthy Frank is out of the job

    4. Matheus


      ur right its an art form nerd

  18. Anyone got halo 4 on 360 message me if you wanna do co-op legendary campaign

    1. LPT


      legendary is the super difficult way to play

    2. Ragadorus
    3. Delrof


      Lmao **** LASO I just want the legendary armour

  19. So when is the server going to get fixed? And before you say it no i'm not the only one getting this ****.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delrof


      I can't play.. it makes me angry! grr!

    3. meg


      I'm like 90% sure it isn't something we can fix and is more on Mojang's side of things.

    4. TrevenT
  20. I'd like my forum title changed, if possible?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lark
    3. Skippy


      Change it to "can someone change this please"

    4. TavernLich


      Or get to 500 posts

    1. Wyvernbane


      This is solid OOC hate and upsets me :(

    2. Wyvernbane


      Also, nice meme

    3. Delrof


      Perhaps you should improve your standard of roleplay. (Not you in particular but your group as a whole)

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