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Status Replies posted by Dohvi

  1. I tried to warn myself, but there was no button for it. What has the world come to? 

    1. Dohvi


      You smell funny and have negligible redeemable qualities. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. I tried to warn myself, but there was no button for it. What has the world come to? 

  3. @Dohvi As FM lead you should have known that you should not have touched Pius's ban appeal. It was a case of misconduct!

    1. Dohvi


      Which accusation am I sidestepping? If I'm uncertain, it's because you seem to be changing your strategy of attack with everything I say - rather than focusing on a genuine issue that should be fixed. 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  4. @Dohvi As FM lead you should have known that you should not have touched Pius's ban appeal. It was a case of misconduct!

    1. Dohvi


      It was initially unclear who would be handling it, as permanent bans go to the admins while forum bans go to me. I assume that's what you're referring to when saying I was "trying to slide the appeal". His appeals were passed back and forth, culminating with a brief discussion about giving him a chance to prove himself. 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  5. @Dohvi As FM lead you should have known that you should not have touched Pius's ban appeal. It was a case of misconduct!

    1. Dohvi


      You don't seem to have a very good grasp of what happened. Have you actually talked to Pius about it, or are you ranting uninformed? I denied the appeal when he was using that appeal account to post non-appeal things. We conversed, and I gave Pius a chance to prove we're all wrong to not believe he's changed. Thus he is unbanned on the forums, and if he proves himself then I believe the admins will lift his IG ban. 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  6. @Dohvi As FM lead you should have known that you should not have touched Pius's ban appeal. It was a case of misconduct!

    1. Dohvi


      If you actually looked at the post, instead of running off trying to be a smartass you'd see he was forum banned. Thus it was my decision to make. I handed it back to the GMs after lifting his forum ban. 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  7. Not gonna lie, seems silly to appeal something that happened months ago, in order, one at a time. Why not time expiry? 

    1. Dohvi


      Time expiry doesn't always work well, often leaving no evidence or record that anything happened at all. So we're trialing something new, instead of handling everything through PMs. If it needs adjusting, that's easily done. 

  8. @Dohvi Idk if were supposed to be able to read your warning point posts. But we cannot

    1. Dohvi


      It's in a temporary section and will be moved shortly.

  9. hey um fm team can we not meme warn our friends all at once it pings people with forum pex thanks

    1. Dohvi


      Why have the notification enabled in the first place? You can just turn it off in notification settings. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. You've had your fun, but it's time to stop spamming statuses. 


    For those actually confused and not in it for the shits and giggles: 


    1. Dohvi


      If he was forum banned, it would say banned. 
      Alts he made to EVADE that content moderation were banned. He was not. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. haha wait no way they actually banned aengoth? all the virtol that goes unpinished and his comedic shitposting is what gets punished? nice

  12. 8cb532538b38dd987addbbf42d98db6a.png

    Huh....I guess it is that time of year.

    1. Dohvi


      The gyazo redirects me to a 'competition' to win a phone. What..?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. I love @Cooliomafia so much.

    1. Dohvi


      Holy crap. There's an edit button for statuses now? I had no idea. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Can an fm or smth change my forum rank back to diamond vip? Ty.

  15. I don't typically make arguments about this sort of stuff, but wasn't there a rule that you couldn't acknowledge monks? In which case I have to question, how in the hell is a sane person supposed to not acknowledge the monks when high profile people are killed and re-appear the next day? Now let make it clear I'm not pointing fingers for people not PKing. I'm asking how normal people are supposed to feign ignorance with something like that.

    1. Dohvi


      People know the monks exist and stuff. It's more of a.. "the monks don't save everyone so you can't just assume the monks will save you" to stop people approaching death without any fear. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. Uhh...Why do I have the authentication... I'm not even staff....... https://gyazo.com/e863fc22475efa7bcc4e5ba806543a34

    1. Dohvi


      I'll send you a PM. 

  17. can a staff member please tell me what post I got a warning point from? leslie just ignored my message and I wasn't being ironic when I asked what I did to warrant it

    1. Dohvi


      It seems a screenshot was taken. I'll pm you about it shortly. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. can a staff member please tell me what post I got a warning point from? leslie just ignored my message and I wasn't being ironic when I asked what I did to warrant it

    1. Dohvi


      Normally the forums automatically link the warning to the post for which it was given. I can see that it hasn't done that here, so I assume it was for a status. But I'll try find out. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. Today I discovered there are two resource islands. . . 

    1. Dohvi


      Three I think. Last time I checked, one of the main docks didn't have one. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. Oh great, this forum account is so old that I didn't have my Minecraft Username entered, so no VIP rank was given.

  21. Give me my ******* rep back or the hostage dies.


    You have until this afternoon. You gave iMattyz his reputation back now I want mine.

  22. our Brotherhood of the Golden Crow post got removed could that be fixed by any chance??

    1. Dohvi


      Telanir editted his announcement thread to say they're working on restoring threads. I had my doubts based on past incidents, but fingers crossed. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. lol the hacker didn't just remove all the Orenian legislation they could find, but also got rid of the human history post it seems

    1. Dohvi


      Telanir editted his announcement thread to say they're working on restoring threads. I had my doubts based on past incidents, but fingers crossed. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  24. lol the hacker didn't just remove all the Orenian legislation they could find, but also got rid of the human history post it seems

    1. Dohvi


      I don't think it's as simple as rolling things back when it's on the forums. Once something is deleted (as opposed to hidden which is what staff normally do), it's typically gone for good in my experience. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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