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Status Updates posted by Watyll

  1. Ya'll clam down.

    1. gingernut97


      Mkay *puts clam on floor*

  2. Just because one makes a topic about changing the app system does not mean one hates the team involved.

  3. Would you mind moving the topic "Removal of apps" to the AIC, if it belongs there? Thank you.

  4. Who is this Maeghan I hear tell of every once in a while?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ford


      Wait...she died IRL? Or....was she just a good RP'er who left LOTC early in it's stages...

    3. Skippy


      She died. :(

    4. Slic3man
  5. I propose that everyone from the beggining of Aegis to the begginning of Asulon is called a First-Gen LOTCer. Everyone from the begginning of Asulon to 3.0 shall be called a Second-Gen LOTCer.

  6. Won't someone come role-play with the lonely mori child :'(

  7. The voices in my head are telling me to applaud you.

  8. I love it when I wake up in the morning and I have forum PMs

  9. Once upon a time, there was a homework assignment. It was so tedious, that everyone died. The end.

    1. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      But then one brave hero completed the homework then showed all of his friends how to do it and saved the universe

    2. Everman111


      But the evil teacher had not been defeated as all thought and the homework assignment raised again.

  10. You have given me laughter. Much of it.

  11. Groobs03 is my favorite meme maker now.

  12. Going to write up Ranger lore for a different rp server. Ideas anyone?

  13. Would anybody be willing to set up a server for me?

  14. Gents, does anyone know how to set up a server?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jtringl


      Its really easy, but download a bukkit server instead of regular.

    3. Asbrind


      I can't load Minecraft up in the first place :(

    4. Arkelos


      The Minecraft wiki should have something

  15. Well, having LOTC on one faction server proved that the server has too many cliques.

    1. Dargene


      They accused us of hacking -_- and the gms where hacking and corrupt.. seems legit.

    2. Djinne


      gms are ALWAYS corrupt on pvp servers :P

  16. You know the drill, servers down, come to factions.tri-voltage.com

  17. Being the dictator of half of LOTC on a faction server feels good.

    1. V0idsoldier


      You like titles way too much.

    2. Watyll


      Question mark.

  18. The ip adress to the server is factions.tri-voltage.com

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Watyll


      The factions server where a large portion of LOTC is chill in

    3. Orophin Telrunya (Brumy)
    4. Schwaan


      Braxis killed me. k. I quit.

  19. My mistake people, server is at factions.tri-voltage.com

    1. Merkaken


      Still doesn't work.

  20. So I got on, and I was like, Why is nobody on the factions? Then I realized: Oh...server must be up.

  21. For those who have asked, LOTC faction is at factions.tri-voltage.com

    1. V0idsoldier


      link doesn't work for me.

    2. Watyll


      It's the server ip, not the site.

  22. LOTC faction is doing quite well if I do say so myself.

    1. Cassandra Verdottir
    2. Watyll


      Yus, yus you did.

    3. Merkaken


      What's LOTC Faction? ^^'

  23. Ladies and gents, if interested in the faction idea, kindly leave your mc name here and go to factions.tri-voltage.com

  24. If the server is still down, who's interested in the faction idea I mentioned earlier?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Knightei


      I would need to see this... 'Idea'

    3. Watyll


      To see the idea, just look at my earlier status update.

    4. Knightei


      Ok, I'm with you all the way

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