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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Aiden

  1. Monopoly with the family...the claws are out...

  2. Is the server updating to 4.6 being worked on? :P Im bored.

  3. If I get people to make temp characters to start a war, is this bannable?

  4. Panda is going to tell every one here: Losing in RP can be extremely fun. It leads to intense moments full of conflicting emotion and certain schemes to be carried out. Panda isn't saying to stop fighting, roll on your stomach and die, Panda is just saying take some falls when it seems a bit power gamey to continue fighting :3

  5. Jesus christ. I just want to be a part of a peaceful nation and now they are getting attacked daily. IS THERE ANY NATION THAT DOESNT GET ATTACKED EVERY 5 HOURS? -.-

  6. Hey guys. I'm a good villain, right?

  7. Jesus christ. I just want to be a part of a peaceful nation and now they are getting attacked daily. IS THERE ANY NATION THAT DOESNT GET ATTACKED EVERY 5 HOURS? -.-

  8. I don't care what people are saying, this minor VA system should be removed. Everyone just steals and I don't care if you say you RPed it good. It is just steal steal and steal with you guys. I would prefer that thievery would be put only in Major Vas to stop everyone from stealing what ever they see valuable the second you log off.

  9. Can we please get better villains? Ones that don't just set out to rob people.

  10. Anyone know of a good video recording program? I need one for a project I am working on and I need a good one for recording like, Minecraft and other games!

  11. Who unabnned Coaster?

  12. Just a reminder guys, the status feed isn't a place for you to act in a ridiculing manner.

  13. Peasants, it is currently Christmas eve for me. #Futureswag

  14. Mah dwarf. He is back.

  15. That moment when..

  16. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who was the first guard leader of Al'Khazar?

  17. What is your favorite pokemon game?

  18. What is your favorite console of ALL time? Mine would have to be the Play Station 2.

  19. When is the server gonna update to 1.4.6?

  20. Form ranks, men! 37 armies outnumber us! We must unite and wield the great and terrible power in our hearts! CHAAAAAARGE! https://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft

  21. -Gets called racist ICly towards elfs- - Is mostly Elven along with most of his family and house...-

  22. Does anyone want to play Gmod with me? ;-;

  23. I will never cut down someone else's floating tree again.

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