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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Aiden

  1. Why do I keep signing out every 5 seconds?

  2. Man, I wish it was required to read all Lord of the Rings books and The Hobbit before you became a Halfling. :P

  3. Great, a Lich burnt down my chapel....

  4. Washington is going to be sorry they didn't build that Death Star when the aliens attack...

  5. Slang like "Chill, yo, bro, dude, and cool" should NEVER EVER EVER be used in Rp.... EVER

  6. Hi guys tell me how to enter!

  7. Was playing on a PvP/Factions server... someone tried to kill me and i nearly was going to get them banned for a no-RP kill attempt. What have you done to me LOTC?

  8. How does one change their avatar into a gif? It says I can't

  9. -Logs onto forums and checks App Subs- Mother of god...

  10. -Logs onto forums and checks App Subs- Mother of god...

  11. Death post... Almost done... Ergh... Oh btw. I need someone to make an MPM of my dwarf skin.

  12. Always treat others how you wish to be treated.

  13. Never would have thought some Elves are just as stuck up as their characters.

  14. Why are people always so hostile towards each other in youtube comments? ._.

  15. Halflings are like dust bunnies, try to kill all of them, they continue to come back.

  16. Since pigs can be ridden now. Are they techincally going to be rp as horses

  17. I believe I just had a drop in my blood sugar. I suddenly got extremely hungry, shaky, and started sweating. Felt completely normal after eating a honey bun.

  18. Hello all. Been awhile.

  19. High Elf or Elven smith/quartermaster... Halp me with decision for 3.0 character

  20. High Elf or Elven smith/quartermaster... Halp me with decision for 3.0 character

  21. High Elf or Elven smith/quartermaster... Halp me with decision for 3.0 character

  22. Woo, going to 'murica next week. Everyone, lock your doors, otherwise your food is mine.

  23. It ok to upgrad to the 1.4.7?

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