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Status Replies posted by Kardel

  1. it is my day of birth :))))

  2. hello hello where's all the rp?

  3. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which of the racial fathers is sometimes said to have first eaten stew?

  4. Apparently, private messages are no longer private.

  5. Not being sure if you are invisible so you do /vanish and it turns out you were invisible and just became visible in front of twenty people. They freak out when they see your spooky antag skin. You /vanish again and leave, embarrassed. #justETthings

  6. Is it possible to donate with prepade visa`s?

  7. Our Day 5 winners: Gurenrycerz, Travista, Kowaman, Josh3738, Cpt_noobman Congratz! Rufard will see you all tomorrow!

  8. What did you guys get for Christmas?

  9. What should I do for a new MC account? [MC Name]

  10. Don't you hate this day most of all? Chistmas is SO close, all the presents are piled up under the tree, but you know you've got 12+ hours till you can unwrap them?

  11. Character ideas that can get me to actually log onto the server again gogogo.

  12. Character ideas that can get me to actually log onto the server again gogogo.

  13. Knowledge is only an idea of the human mind. Something that we know. But does everything know knowledge? And if they don't what do they know? Nothing? Because surely then they would know something.

  14. What do you guys think can be done to improve Dwarven rp?

  15. Did the server die again. . .?

  16. Screw special snowflakes, we must all conform into bland and unoriginal characters!

  17. i am quitting LoTC indefinately, wont make a post about it because I dont feel like it, main reason is of how this server is.

  18. What do you call an intense magic duel between a druid and an Undead?

  19. What do a Raevir, Adunian, and Illatian all have in common?

  20. Horse walks into a bar. Bartender sees him. He asks "Why the long face?". And the horse says. . .

  21. What do you call a chicken in the North Pole?

  22. If you would like to industry please call our hotline at (555) - INDU - STRY

  23. Why did the server go down? Just curious.

  24. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which nation was established by the Ironguts in early Asulon?

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