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Status Replies posted by Kardel

  1. Hey guys, i have an idea! Let's study for exams while the server is down! :^)

  2. That moment when you see glowing eyes staring up at you from the floor.......and then you remember you don't own cats.

  3. If someone makes a character that is like four hundred years old, then where were they prior to being made?

  4. Got to see Gronkksten again, along with convlave and the azog fort. Good times

  5. The best way to defend yourself when accussed of something, starting your defense with "LOL this kid"

  6. This is nothing like Aegis, I wish I had magical powers to fix it all. http://i.imgur.com/otMrLxm.jpg

  7. Too many things happening lately with the OOC of the server, yo. The drama llamas are real. Getting a little heated myself after this week's bs, so I may take another break soon.

  8. Important, blood magic-related events are imminent, and as a result a creation will come to be. Whoever is familiar with the Lord of the Rings Urukhai and Dragon Age Darkspawn will know what I refer to when I say such a similar entity will be created, but I have been without a proper individual to sacrifice their time, character and dedication for the role. So, I wish to see who is interested by opening the offer publically. Anyone interested?

  9. Star Trek is to Star Wars as Game of Thrones is to Lord of the Rings.

  10. Yo girls, can you touch your elbows together?

  11. From what I gather the tree tavern was burnt down. Can confirm?

  12. Who would like to see a legitimately player-run Blood Mage antagonist? We wouldn't have any special sparkles, but things are underway to assure a proper threat can be made!

  13. Well today is interesting... http://gyazo.com/8dcf69c515ff829eaead66a85ee6e610 Not even gone all day ._. Swore I check it earlier

  14. Why is the serve freaking out?

  15. Considering buying a drawing tablet. Wired or Wireless?

  16. Sometimes I wonder how I was even allowed to exceed 1000 rep. Sure I have a beard, play league, and may possibly be everywhere ln skype but surely I dint deserve 1k rep. Seriously though, how did this happen.

  17. I might be coming back sometime soon. Hurray~

  18. rest in peace my sweet children. I will miss you :(((

  19. Any architects interested in making a dwarf build for eastpoint

  20. Y'all need Iblees right quick.

  21. In memory of all the Orenites we are about to lose, and to those we have already lost. Ave Orenia.
  22. Mid-terms are kicking my butt.

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