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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Z3r05t4r

  1. Hm, nobody uses the LotC Teamspeak anymore, presumably?

  2. Anyone else unable to log onto the server and getting disconnects every few minutes?

  3. Can my character have someone build like a robotic Dragon or something? A very small pet thing? Since apparently there is a magic that allows one to make rocks or something come to life, only it wouldn't do anything aside from being a conpainion for my character

  4. some ruins in athena are quite creepy...

  5. what if putin is an alien it makes sense you know. putin invaded ukraine. UKraine. the UK has rockets. Rockets go into space. Space is where the aliens live. putin is russian orthoDOX. DOX is a secret CIA project for alien immigration. the KGB was the alien immigrant's organisation for alien rights. soviet russia was housing these disruptive aliens and that is how the cold war started. tune in next time to find out more

  6. Lymdil, Im making the Teutonic Order. Give me a lecture about German please!

  7. Posting the last 4.0 update tonight [[includes release date!]]

  8. can somone help me with finding all the required forums to apply I have been looking for over an hour i cant find it

  9. can somone help me with finding all the required forums to apply I have been looking for over an hour i cant find it

  10. All of this crafting and just trying to do anything other than RP is wierd now. Nexus plots, crafting items, eh... I thought Nexus was just going to be for combat...?

  11. The coat makes me think Nazi Germany. Overall, I'm pleased with it. http://gyazo.com/b12519b6950148ded9ae6e05966d5661

  12. Is there any lore on colored sheep?

  13. why is everything ice plains now o-o

  14. Bye Bye for now Lotc. Tis been good.

  15. What I had thought to be my internet has been spazzing out for days. Turns out 32x Chrome has since the last update become incompatible with 64x Windows. XD

  16. portal 1 or portal 2?

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