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Status Replies posted by Z3r05t4r

  1. Anyone with interest to play a future Lord please notify me.

  2. Anyone with interest to play a future Lord please notify me.

  3. Ugh, 700 notification PMs deleted and I still ain't within my limit. I don't want to have to delete actual PMs in case they ever become relevant again. Mass archive function pls.

  4. Should I kill off my snelf character or put her in hiding? I don't really see a future for this character anymore.

  5. So are the Snow Elves dead?

  6. where were u when mog was demote

  7. Pocket sand.

  8. I just had a bunch of fun doing a family tree!

  9. Suggestions for my next character?

  10. Hey kids, ever wanted a $1000 doll of Robb Stark? Here ya go. http://www.souldoll.com/shop/step1.php?number=3657&b_code=B20140422014250

  11. fringe or anthos? which do you prefer. go.

  12. So, what is there to do in Fringe.

  13. There wasn't enough tin foil in the world.

  14. Wait, why can't Mori and Dark Elves coexist together? I've alway seen them the same in-character.

  15. I've been waiting at least 2 hours for a response to my ModReq.... Why is there never any gms online?

  16. ... Why do I look like a villaiger?

  17. Have people calmed or is everyone still angry?

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