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Status Replies posted by Z3r05t4r

  1. Guess that is the final post of me guys, I hope you'll be having a great time ahead of you!

  2. I just realized that if my character married Jonathan Black, her name would be Cerene Black, which sounds like Serene Black, which is both a synonym of Silent Night and a very intimidating name for such a harmless girl.

  3. I'm excited for 3.0's nearing release, are you?

  4. Human Palace finished just as the Server went down. Success? :D

  5. I shall overrun and claim the Mali'aheral city for me and my gobos. The ressurection of the Gobonic Order is at hand. Fear our power!

  6. Merry Christmas you filthy animals.

  7. Crusader Kings 2 is bloody difficult

  8. "I'll take you as my third wife" Thank you Mogroka. Thank you very much. I am flattered.

  9. ¡Hola Señors, Señoras y Señoritas! Me llamo Beth. ¿Como te llamas? (Reply in any language of your choice!)

  10. Need more Stafyrs, Line of Galtor is really empty.

  11. Does anyoen get that anxious feeling like they just wanna explore every piece of Asulon...?

  12. Nothing better than to be sitting here waiting for a gm to answer your modreq.

  13. No Dinosaurs for Peasants!

  14. I want a reward for fighting this dragon. Preferably a pet dinosaur.

  15. I want my 13 year old High Elf with amnesia to get adopted, but how? LFG or something?

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