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Status Updates posted by Z3r05t4r

  1. Mayoral Elections of Felsen:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Z3r05t4r


      The Mayors are elected by the people of Felsen for a month.

    3. LPT


      Yo z3ro... I don't own that house in Felsen anymore, I talked to Chump, mayhaps I should of talked with you

    4. Z3r05t4r


      That's registered. No worries.

  2. Quite the slaughter. Amusing, with the boat falling apart at the end and everything on fire.

  3. Size comparison (decently accurate) for 7.0 to Vailor and Athera: https://i.imgur.com/l6LbMqY.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Z3r05t4r


      Not strictly. Vailor had no wilds to speak of, player groups and nations were distributed somewhat evenly everywhere, disregarding CT placement. With the CT in the center, much like it was on Asulon, and the primary nation tiles on equal distance it changes the whole ordeal a bit. On the other hand of course, I would not mind giving the Anthos layout another shot, with a central crossroads area, so to speak, but the CT either adjacent to it, or further off, so it does not act as a straight up roadblock in the middle of things.


      Anyhow, depending on the usage of land it can feel empty or centralized. But humans need some room to have some distance between their holdings. It’s just how it goes with the builds. Although Focusing populations in cities is also viable. I think we have learned and improved a lot, so I am quite confident that 7.0 will go well.

    3. monkeypoacher



      Edited by xxx
    4. Quackers


      Thank you, Czar, very cool !

  4. So, 1.14 is released. When do we update?

    1. Fireheart
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      it’ll come alongside Nexus

  5. So, how is the rest of the forum doing? I have pretty much withdrawn into the FRP section, not doing much on LotC otherwise anymore.

    1. Zacho


      Its pretty crazy right now man, post after post and the entire server in crazy mode.

  6. Stellaris anyone?

    2. Telanir


      Hey! Nice to see you Z3r0 o/

      I’d be down for Stellaris if I didn’t have work to do hahah

  7. Well fought everyone! On to the next one!

    1. M1919


      See you there, boss! o7

  8. Where are the Dunmer nowadays?

    1. Dakirennis


      We out here, smokin’ skooma, worshipin’ spirits. 

  9. Whoever is building the battleship at Courland, 10/10.

  10. #4.0bugmanrace

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Z3r05t4r


      I consider to look further into the matter. And freya what do you mean with samey?

    3. Neri


      Everytime i've seen bugmen in a fantasy setting it's been the same thing, that's all I mean.

    4. Z3r05t4r


      Have you seen them often? And how have they been?

  11. #ImprisonZerostar2014

  12. #unbanthemirtokman

  13. https://gyazo.com/27d8dc1430cb5f41a9a40d0fbe9ad951

    Take it with a pinch of amusement, you got to give Tythus a break in between ;)

  14. 4.0 antag: :gatna 0.4

  15. Again, Abresi turns into a slaughterfest.

    1. youlovesocks
    2. Z3r05t4r


      Dwarves/Rebels attacked Abresi. 8 vs 10 I believe. I participated as defender, knocked down, but we won though. Good fight. Short though.

  16. Alright, so my House App is ready... Now let's see what happens next.

  17. Anyone has a picture of a recent world map? With borders perhaps?

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