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Status Updates posted by YouKnowItsJuno


    1. Lark


      That was you?

    2. YouKnowItsJuno


      You know it, son

  2. Okay... I think I might be definitely wanting to roleplay again. Anyone need a female character played? Also willing to show me the ropes of the server again, too? It's been a while and lots have changed... Anyway, shoot me a PM if you might have someone for me to play!

  3. Over a thousand profile views... I feel popular.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Major Dom
    3. Dolly



    4. YouKnowItsJuno


      You all hate me. Couldn't let me have this... XD

  4. So... It's been a while since I've last played LOTC. I think most are waiting for 4.0 (in which I will be returning as my human char), but I was wondering: Any dwarven clans looking for a member? Might I mention.... A FEMALE whutthisiscrzy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fimlin


      absolutely, The Grandaxes are always open for recruitment, though we have tightened it a bit and are seeking for more experienced players, if you are interested the clan post is here:

    3. Dizzy771


      Well I would say Irongrinder, but you did that already :P

    4. YouKnowItsJuno


      I'll look at the Grandaxes, though I wouldn't mind the Irongrinders either, I miss you and Josh <3

  5. So... thought I'd drop in after a long time. How is everyone? What's new? Miss me (say yes ;-;)?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. YouKnowItsJuno


      Warlord!!! I missed you!

    3. Rael


      Haven't seen you for quite awhile, since Vekon times. :)

    4. YouKnowItsJuno


      Rael! I miss you too ;-; Vekons were awesome, I really miss playing Penny...

  6. Someone visit the orcs to visit me... aint about dat slave life tho

  7. Welp... let's see how far I make it as queen before I'm assassinated... RIP

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. _mkkk_


      Welp, all I have to say is don't let them hurt the child; it's the pinacle of life. . . lemme be ya babeh. I can suck my thumb like any other person. 

    3. tilly
    4. Kim


      time to get stabby

  8. When Treashure's plan to have you married off to a prince backfires... and he's more upset than you are.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. YouKnowItsJuno
    3. Kim


      3 other brothers :' )

    4. YouKnowItsJuno


      Dang, really? I only knew about the two lol

  9. When you go to the resource island, pick up a floating anvil, and give it to the invisible person fixing things there... O_O

  10. Who does character portraits? I wish to get one of my librarian character! Hmu!

    1. KUSHerZombie


      hey i'll draw you a quick sketch of your librarian character for $1.02 sent via paypal!

    2. YouKnowItsJuno


      Haha! I'll pass, thanks

  11. Xiryks took my Lemongrab from me! HE'S MINE!

    1. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      gooms iz bettr gee em than xirks

    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      UNACCEPTABLE!!!!! LelSoOriginalMuchFunnySuchLemongrabeWow

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