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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Replies posted by Kaiser

  1. If your character had a favorite TV show, what would it be?

  2. Why is the server down?

  3. Heff4HalflingOfTheYear

  4. If I started my own Pizza place, would you guys come?

  5. Halfling 4.0 looks good; shift is burning down the other cities for us while tutus spawns diamonds and rittsy sings beautiful music

  6. A thought I had, do you find war RP or peaceful RP more enjoyable?

  7. idk man. If Malinor's disbanded, I'm out. Four original nations, yo. Been here since I started. Don't want to see that ruined.

  8. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What is Jokers Scum?

  9. I needs an FM

  10. The success rate on enchanting is a damn joke and needs to be fixed. It shouldn't cost 80 emeralds and 10 diamonds to get Looting I and still fail after all of that.

  11. if you're ever up for bizarre thief RP involving a stuffed baby with a head made of pure stone, hmu on skype: cosmik_lotc. i'll teach you how to be a PROPER highwayman

  12. He's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip. BIG IRON ON HIS HIIIIIIIP.

  13. And were stayin' alive, stayin' alive Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive

  14. I find more and more to certain people, 'Edgy' means anything not Hyper realistic and CKII or GOT.. >:[

  15. Anyone know a fix to not being able to play? I can connect, but basically everyone will freeze and I will be dc'd after a few minutes.

  16. So uh female halfling or female dwarf... Which should I chose D;

  17. Anyone know who we talk to about Vale Burrows? Been poppin' in for a few days and cannot figure out who is in charge.

  18. So I was recently left one of these suits- http://i.imgur.com/1QZ08BM.png

  19. People use the word "banter" too much.

  20. You know - I don't really FEEL like a staff member, until I go into the application submissions area, than I feel like an angel infront of the gates of heaven.

  21. There is Ned Lud Jesus, Ski King Moses, and there is Heff! - ""Easiest way to avoid a cybering ban is to avoid FTB RP." This. Never ftb rped in my life cause I don't want to end up doing it with a freakin 40 year old man."

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