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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Replies posted by Kaiser

  1. and in the battle, right before it lost connection, i was like: "I grant to you- to whomever slays the beast- the right to bang any woman you like!"

  2. What race should I join for the meantime?

  3. I've officially been approved - to deny people with this GIF - http://imgur.com/K76gUIN

  4. I've officially been approved - to deny people with this GIF - http://imgur.com/K76gUIN

  5. How does one make a character...dangerous ICly? Like if you look at me and know me, you know not to **** with me for I might do terrible things.

  6. Guys, if you keep leaking the lore, we're going to have to ask for FMs to start temp banning forum accounts.

  7. I hate to complain (well, no I don't) but why has there been an increase is crap? Crap RP, crap people, ban reports, unhelpful players... It will go away, obviously, but damn, it's hard to have fun with this!

  8. Are there gobo clans?

  9. Where do you get Nether quartz from?

  10. Is it possible for the staff to get a livemap or show us a birds eye view of the fringe?

  11. Due to unforeseen circumstance involving an instructor I had being expelled for shyte reasons, I might not be on for the next few days. Trying to fight the power in other words lol

  12. The Halflings will make a comeback. >:)

  13. So when's the Second Coming of Ned Lud planned for?

  14. The Halflings will make a comeback. >:)

  15. That awkward moment whe nyou are drunk before 5pm and have a paper due at 10 pm tomorrow... lol

  16. Here's a druid staff fit for a mouse I made out camping this weekend http://i.imgur.com/9zJYmDs.jpg

  17. Some days I think we should set up a -c-u-l-t- Church of Gaius where people pledge to follow his great teachings....

  18. Okay so, 3.5 really? Just give us 4.0 and let all problems solve itself!

  19. We should make a LotC facebook page..

  20. Ah Lord of the Craft, a spicy cesspool of people who poke fun at newbie roleplayer applications and general assholes. It makes me happy I'm part of such a wonderful community.

  21. i am a deposed nigerian prince. if you send me ur bank account info and 1,000,000 us dollars, i shall be able to reclaim my throne and you shall be reward. with regards, prince tyrone III of Nigeria

  22. Trying to come up with some creative Character Ideas.

  23. If anyone can make me a typical strelt skin with moody boots and a shirt with fearly black trousers, please pm me

  24. I just wish for once people have respect for the server rules.

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