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Status Updates posted by PajosFTW

  1. Y'know, Canada is bigger than the US, and we're also on top. That makes us the dominant one in this relationship, does it not? :P

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      YOU ARE JUST OUR FLUFFING HAT CANADA... *seeths with rage*

    3. aron.


      Canada is the greatest place ever. We don't use the extra land because it's so damn cold!

    4. PajosFTW


      Hiebe, all of our land is used. Just not as suburb like you southern folk do.

      And Urtrolling...we didn't come from the tundra. We came from Britain and France.

  2. For those of us who have only ever known Asulon, I'd just like to point out that its very depressing when all the older players jaw about the server's "Golden Age" and how much more Aegis was in comparison to Asulon. You know, I thought Asulon was amazing until I started hearing all the complaints. Now I can't get them out of my head, nor the fact that I missed out on Aegis :/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PajosFTW


      Skippy, that's exactly what I'm talking about...people who just say "Aegis > Asulon," even if it is true, 'cause you guys just sneer down at us about it, and it makes us feel bad.

    3. danic


      Aegis > Asulon.

    4. aron.


      Couldn't agree more. If Asulon isn't as good, work to make it as good

  3. PARTY AT THE TALL TALE TAVERN IN NORMANDOR! Free food and drinks to all who perform on our stage! Come now for gambling and fun!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skippy


      to make a good party you needa tell people to come oocly, also.

    3. Skippy


      to make a good party you needa tell people to come oocly, also.

    4. PajosFTW


      @Thu'um, I posted an IC advertisement in the Roleplay forum.

  4. Tall Tale Tavern grand opening party is now over! Thanks to everyone who came, it was great. Remember, this happens 24/7 from now on, but the food and drinks are no longer free!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EboBren'


      Great Party! And a great room!

    3. Drelik


      Is that you Burkester?

    4. Drelik


      Is that you Burkester?

  5. If you've got political problems I feel bad for you son, up here in Canada we've had a much better, more liberal system for over a century now. We've got a couple problems but leaders ain't one.

  6. How is Canada not a real country?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ek_knight


      Puts on flame-retardant suit.

    3. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      hey! we have our own

      borders! we are a real


      America doesn't want to see that.

    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda... Says no to Canada

  7. There is only one possible outcome to all this "Shade" removal business. Because when time is altered, when fixed points are rewritten, and paradoxes are spread throughout the universe...only THE DOCTOR can save us now!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CowsGoMoo



      We're pretty god damn doomed.

      This is like Final Fantasy XIII Part II shrimp, man!

    3. Dyn


      Meh, hopefully we'll do it right this time around.

    4. craotor


      No the doctor cant hel this but the DOKTAR!!! can

  8. Just need one more reference for my VA...anybody have then time? ;)

  9. -Sips fuel like a G6, like a G6

    1. Slic3man


      *Lights the fuel on fire*

    2. Taiga


      -Blows up like a G6, Like a G6.-

  10. Anyone up for some server necromancy? Cuz LoTC is pretty dead right now.

  11. Am I the only one unable to connect? Because supposedly, according to the now-working server status bobble on the website, the server is "Online."

    1. danic


      v Take a look down there v

  12. Anyone know where I can find a place to fill my milk buckets, or buy a cow?

    1. steelersfan1221


      Ursakar my friend!

  13. lordofthecraft.net just attempted to drop a trojan onto my laptop, it's never done that before. Admins should probably check that out, perhaps our mysterious enemy is trying a new tactic.

  14. Desperately need people to sign up to perform at the Tall Tale tonight! Thread is under "Roleplay!"

  15. My new villian character has eleven seperate mental disorders, AND an addiction.

  16. Well, I think its safe to say LOTC is once again on a rollercoaster that only goes up. Things are getting better again!

  17. I hate Nullpointexceptions.

  18. Fingers drumming, eyes closed, Crow sits in the dark, listening to the skittering of the rats around him. Hearing a warped creak echo from up the staircase, he opens his eyes, drinking in the dark void of the basement. Mopping the sweat from his brow, his sunken eyes perceive a wraith moving into the room. "Is...it you?" He asks, voice distant and steely. "Yes...I....can smelll your scent....the fear of the dead, wrapped about you in a cloak." Crow muses, turning slowly as he ...

  19. Today I dressed up as my LOTC rp character, and dragged my 16 year old self door to door, in the rain, just so everyone could partake in my awesome.

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