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Status Updates posted by Raglin

    1. 5678


      I didn't know you, and might never have RP'ed with you. Still, good luck m8

    2. Aengoth


      Thats unforunate, best of luck to you Raglin

  1. I'VE BEEN GONE 3 YEARS, LOTC. Glad to see things are still around! An old hat just coming through to say hello and send some love. <3


  2. ...Simon's epic face when a boy band sings. BAHAHAHAHA.

  3. A war with Oren? Saw it coming.

  4. Any dwarves want to kill Teutons? I hear the Hyrr Battalion is recruiting! xD

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Jakesimonson


      teuton genocide best day of my life

    3. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      Age of Empires II dictates that Teutonic Knights beat all infantry melee units.

    4. Evilbanana5757


      And thata why we must hire Persian War Elephants ;)

  5. Art for my character would be AWESOME, if ya wanna do it. :P

  6. Ayyy Edgehand is back~

  7. Botched up my App big time! xD

  8. Braveheart plays in the backround as I play meh dwarf. Now tha' is destineh!

  9. Check out "Gunpowder Weaponry at its newest" under ideas and lore. Say what you think. No opinion is frowned upon. Ideas for it are welcome as well! +1 main post if you're down!

  10. Check out my Media Team Application! +1 it to make me feel fuzzy and happy. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/131061-raglins-media-team-application/

  11. Cleared for sports finally! FOOTBALL TIME

  12. Comment. I dare you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      Challenge accepted.

    3. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      POOF! i comment.

    4. Raglin


      I will use the powers of Edgehand against you, urara. ;)

  13. Does nobody have MPM, or am I just not seeing their models?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raglin
    3. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      It does in a way if you use my LOTC modpack

    4. Kim


      Unless you wanna see a halfling sized elf running around...

      It basically works client side using the last saved model of someone's MPM.

  14. Doing skins now! Send a PM if you have a request!

    1. Raglin


      Weekdays, I'll take a wee bit.

  15. Dwarves have to use crossbows? Dammit. There's such a thing as shortbows....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bov61


      The battleaxes are smaller and easier for us to use, we use crossbows because we aren't big enough to get the same power from drawing the cord than with a crossbow.

    3. Cracker


      i think its in florida, but there's a law that says midgets cannot wield longbows/shortbows because it can do really bad damage to their spine or something...idk the exact thing, but its dangerous for someone only 3-4 feet tall

    4. Raglin


      It's bittersweet. More accuracy, more power, but it's slower reload. I dunno.

  16. Dwarves have to use crossbows? Dammit. There's such a thing as shortbows....

  17. Get to work on Dat texture pack.

  18. Gotta love being the best dwarf archer out there. XD *Flex*

  19. Hold up, folks. You bored? Join this server RIGHT NOW. And admire the architecture. This is the IP: cursecraft.com:1337

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