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Everything posted by Dromui

  1. Indeed it is sufficient. I appreciate you taking your time to explain the thought process to me and help me understand your goal with the addition. As far as I'm concerned, more than enough for me. +1
  2. I'm very back and forth on the additions itself. As per everything you right, it is well written, balanced, and interesting. The only problem I honestly have is more of an overall lore issue, I suppose. I don't really think every magic needs an endgame, and I don't think every magic requires consistent additions. But considering this was made with the intent of clearing up an addition made by the LT that was apparently poorly done, I suppose the second point really doesn't matter. Also, I know of two practicing Thallassos users, one of which leaves me questioning whether or not the magic is being handled properly, so until the magic is properly spread, are more additions necessary? This isn't like any shade thrown at you, I think it's well written and super interesting and if the magic is being handled properly, it would probably be an amazing addition to the server. I guess I would like to be convinced it's wholly necessary? Not that I need to be convinced, I'm a normal pleb, not an LT. It would just put muh poor soul at ease, I suppose.
  3. How many active Snelves are there?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Brawms


      I see so you've come to terms that you are a high elf subrace buff

    3. Swgrclan


      "Sweaty ice man nervously ensures activity for the fifteenth time this month"

    4. Dromui
  4. Raids are getting cucked for New Year, YIKES

  5. I +1 this because wards are **** rp, but as long as the rp behind spooks are bad, this wouldn't hurt. Not being able to walk into active cities to RP altogether because of a ward is a little gay.
  6. This idea doesn't seem horrible. I mean, I'm not involved in the necromancer clique so I don't know exactly what is going on between all the groups. Hunter's meme is ******* fantastic, and I support it wholeheartedly from the meme perspective. But from a player who wants to see better magic RP, better antag RP, and a lack of OOC decision making bleeding into RP (which we are all in one way or another guilty of), this is a good way of handling it. Allowing the players to manage their creations in character, rather than throwing ALL the work onto staff teams is nice. I think a mix of in and out of character management is required for roleplay to not be ****.
  7. Lemme see them screens though. Someone has to be wrong.
  8. Oh yeah, RP on both sides of the spectrum is pretty miserable. To be honest with you, RP as a whole on the standard right now isn't at it's best outside of the slice of life genre. I think it's important all forms of roleplay are experienced in any community, because it makes the community dynamic. But due to what I consider poor moderation of magic and combat roleplay as a whole, most players would rather roleplay out a relationship rather than conflict. And I understand why. Having been on both sides of the spectrum, I know full well where each portion is lacking and where each is strong. The means of fixing them though would cause the server to implode, so it's a rip moment. As for the accusation I'm tossing at spooks, I do it because I feel it's necessary. I believe the spook roleplayers have a much higher standard individually, but when they come together, they become flaming retards trying to just cuck and meme other people. Characters like Orsul for example are phenomenal, but when you put him next to the majority of his undead forces, the standard decreases drastically. I point out the spook RP because I think the spooks have more responsibility overall towards the server dynamic. Most spook creatures and magics are practically event creatures/magics. When you have the means of creating a small army and invading a village or town, you simply are more responsible for the standard of RP. I have more faith in the spooks to fix the standard than I do the holy guys, for obvious reason. Also, don't be afraid to name drop Kary.
  9. Wards are bad RP in general. I imagine most people would be willing to drop wards in general if spook RP wasn't also terrible.
  10. If you're an active Shaman, please PM me or post here so I can PM you. It be greatly appreciated, thanks. Preferably of the Orc kind, not of the dark kind.

  11. If there are any active shamans, I'd appreciate it if one of you would PM me. That be great, thanks.

  12. Hello denizens of Lord of the Craft! I've recently come to the conclusion I'd like to have a few different skins for my character, rather than just one. Considering he is currently garbed in casual wear everywhere he goes, I'd find it more interesting and immersive if I can get something made for him that includes armor on the skin. My character, Skale, isn't one to wear a full set of plate armor, so it wouldn't be a skin entirely armored. But rather it would have a breastplate to cover the chest, preferably of the metal kind obviously. Likely a gambeson beneath it as well. Aside from that, there would be a vambrace as well as pauldron on the right arm. That would be the extent of the armor, the rest of the skin would be some generic clothing to go along with the setup. If you're interested, please throw me a private message or comment on the thread and I'll send a message myself. Thanks for your time!
  13. Hello denizens of Lord of the Craft. The last photo I posted on this site was back in like 2013. So I decided to update you all on how I look now. Happy Holidays and I hope everyone had an a-ok year! Sorry it's a selfie, no one knows me so I have to take my own photos.
  14. Smaw, I would never argue that weaknesses aren't a good thing, honestly. I just feel as if the decay is extreme for the physical body. I do stand by the idea that the first iteration of Dark Shamanism as a whole was pretty good, but it was definitely lacking in some areas, which this has done a great job altering. I am just unsure if the progression of overall decay of the character is reasonable. But I can see the roleplay possibilities, so I wouldn't damn the magic personally for it.
  15. This formatting is phenomenal. When it gets fixed up I'll give it a hearty read, but the art is rather interesting. My biggest complaint is the obscene amount of physical deformation the dark shamans will face. It feels as if a mix of necromancy and mysticism is occurring here, in terms of physical qualities once the magic has been practiced long enough. I believe it is important for mostly all magics to weaken the character in one way or another, but this seems a little obscene.
  16. +1 It feels as if this was designed for the low fantasy cucks who can't handle high fantasy RP. Good work, sweet boi.
  17. Anyone want to make a group of High Elf purists who believe putting the impure to the blade is the only true way to rule with me? If I get enough people we can just go take over Helves.Wouldn't hurt if you can PvP. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mmat


      Man you're really unsubtle

      Might want to make your nefarious schemes in secret

    3. Dromui


      Honestly, I want to do this because I think it be fun. If the Helf leaders hit me up and go "**** off m8" I wouldn't bother them. Not really trying to force RP onto people they don't want.

    4. Brawms


      Will be a pvp goon for the cause zzz

  18. I was literally going through the lore wondering why the **** they were so weak. This is a good way to tip it back so rather than being relatively shitty, aside from interesting RP development, to a balanced character option. +1 to the Furry Lord.
  19. Does someone know Tom_Whiteman's Discord? He also went by Kraal.

  20. Watyll, I disappeared for two years and I wasn't around to find out when you were taken from this world. You were one of my best friends on the server, you gave me more roleplay than I ever found elsewhere, and I was given hundreds of hours of enjoyment from each second I spent with you. I wish I could of been there for you in your final moments, you were a brother to me and when I found out you passed today, I couldn't help but break down and cry, man. Rest in peace, man. I know someone as beautiful as you is in a better place right now.

  21. I don't know anything about the Azdrazi, but I find most things I see in relation to them to be rather interesting. If this is being used to get rid of something that's rather OP, that's great. I wouldn't see it as a lore bloat. Well written.
  22. Someone tell me what boat has Krugger Lite, man. Tryin' to get turnt on the trip.

  23. Please mass ban everyone at the docks.

  24. I need a forum moderator, stat. Send help.

    1. dogbew


      add me on discord, dogbew#7423

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