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Status Updates posted by Dromui

  1. School blows

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ford


      Go meme somewhere else, I'm sick of your **** m9

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      It's not memes. Go to a school you tribal trash.

    4. Ford


      Don't make me pull my Mauser on you, you Slavic scum. You're so damn Slavic that whenever I speak to you potato vodka leaks out my screen Jesus christ

  2. Server just fail, or was it me?

  3. So uh.... I am neither with or against Zer0 on this, but I'd like to make a statement. Zer0 is a good guy, well liked, and respected. I agree he was an active member on the team, but that does not mean the work he did was for the server or the team. If you guys have questions or grievances, status updates about how upset you are will not help. These questions can be answered if you just PM the right people. Have a fantastic day or night, LotC.

    1. A Spooky Witch

      A Spooky Witch

      Status updates are a means of voicing thoughts and opinions. Plus oh yeah it's a nice way and quick way to get points across without making a post. Zero did a **** ton of work for the server, whether or not it was noticed or appreciated is yet to be seen obviously. I mean for gods sake a BANNED player was accepted on the MT, where in the hell is the sense in that? But I digress, your opinion is your own.

    2. Dromui


      I'm not saying to stop, but it in no way helps him.

    3. LeonXCG


      Huge disagreement. Please tell how you know his work wasn't for the team or server at all. I talk to him almost on a daily basis and he ask me opinions on what he's doing and he tells me it is for the server. Unless you have some valid information that states otherwise, don't say anything about it.

  4. Thank you Rick Astley

    1. Sambosefus


      No matter what he is never gonna let you down.

    2. Dromui


      You are god

  5. That awkward moment when you aren't ready to be the strongest dark shaman :'(

    1. TavernLich


      Since when were you a dark shaman… o_O

    2. Dromui


      Not long enough, I tell you that much.

  6. The amazing two emote then PvP default Rp, 11/10

    1. Katherine1


      Don't you understand? That's acceptable now. Nevermind that there was a time when that kind of thing resulted in bans.

  7. This whole debate regarding being nicer to one another is getting old.

    1. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      If only people would stop whining! Fuckin' feelings. </banter>

    2. Dromui



      /queue insults in skype to friends

  8. Time to cry as I play my ranked placement games for League

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Evilbanana5757
    3. Dromui



    4. Demotheus



      xP add me on skype eh? shayne.milligan

  9. Uh.... Merry Christmas, Happy Hanakuh, Killer Kwanza.... And whatever other holidays are around that no one really knows about. Oh yeah, if you don't celebrate this kind of stuff then I hope you have a good day :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dromui


      I know, but I did not want to favorite one... For I do not really celebrate any.

    3. Dromui


      I mean, I do celebrate Christmas and stuff... But not religiously or anything of the such.

    4. Dromui


      I mean, I do celebrate Christmas and stuff... But not religiously or anything of the such.

  10. Victory for Malinor!

  11. What are these quotas? I don't mean to disrespect anybody or be bitchy, I just genuinely want to know what these quotas are and what they entail. I would assume with the lack of Dark Elf activity, their city/nation is getting wiped off the map as well, correct? I don't know how this works, I'm just making an example until someone explains. Thanks for the time.

    1. Hanrahan


      There are no official quotas, and there never have been. It's a random choice that the GMs made.

    2. Moot


      Hardly Han. There is no quotas. People are mad, and are trying to demonize the GMs unfortunately. Halflings, Salvus, and the Cali all made a deal to get land (as they weren't going to when the map released). They prove they have activity, they keep the land.

    3. Dromui


      Thank you, Moot.

  12. What's everyone up to?

    1. Pandasan


      What are you down to?

  13. What's the sudden Frost Witch status hate for? I'm confused.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wrynn


      Hey! They're our resident edgies, treat them nicely, please...

    3. monkeypoacher


      they're garbage

    4. Lego XBOX
  14. Why is it every three hundred blocks, there are giant walls blocking off a huge amount of space? Like, I get it, people want land for kingdoms and crap, but I can't get to Alras, I can't past Alras, and I can't get to my home, because of giant walls for no damn reason.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mephistophelian


      Agree. Giant walls be damned

    3. monkeypoacher


      honestly because this map doesn't intend to cater to anything but uber-important nation PvP battles and the staff seems to have the same view.

    4. Birdwhisperer


      Cause of war.

  15. With all my love, Moot. With all my love.

  16. With the Imperial's newest post, I'm tempted to make a Dark Elf just to be executed.

    1. Stevie



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