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Status Updates posted by MetaSolaray

  1. Thinking of making a guide to assist with helping combat Roleplay (Especially you archers with your crossbows ;3)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lykos


      Lykos has personnally fought Meta, and i loved the experience. If you don't like his fighting styles because they are powerful in a strange way, keep in mind that you are living in a world with wizards.

    3. MetaSolaray


      Anime like is because many people RP fight with subpar details, and many of the influences and directions of the combat style I use is "Flavor" roleplay where I add detail of pivots and rotations. MOst people who have fought me on similar grounds (Lykos personally) have immensely enjoyed the experience. Urara if you hear things, try it out for yourself before you judge, you wouldn't want people to do it to you yes? Of the people who have complained against Meta I've either tal...

    4. MetaSolaray


      Also the "burn" was a comment directed from other view points, if you /PERSONALLY/ did not enjoy my RP I would love for you to step up and talk to me instead of hiding behind group chats ^_^ I promise I don't bite, so let us not resolve to this petty /burn/ stuff, this isn't high school :)

  2. Replied to your statues :D

  3. This statues update is dedicated to Iralago The Seer, who I most profusely disagree with his twilight statues and upon reading it sent a quick link to his mailbox of proper vampire books

  4. Were pigs hunted to extinction ;o?

    1. Zebanamana


      Oh boy, I hope there is no animal spawning, that'd make the temp map interesting

    2. MetaSolaray


      I don't think there is any.... :O as i haven't seen a pig sine

  5. Why is the only Cactus in the entire server in permed land :c I need some for a pwesent

  6. I really hope that not all of the pigs on the temp map are dead :c none respawn,

    1. cruzazul


      There was a pig Holocaust?!?!

  7. I'm seriously going to miss Roleplaying Aurora, :/ She's TONS of fun to roleplay...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nekkore


      she's dangerous D: lol jokes you do good roleplaying with her :D

  8. I'm promoting we begin to ban our true enemy, Creepers, the ultimate griefers on the temp server, everywhere No RP killing and griefing. Ban Creepers 2012

  9. Wakes up, sees the ban report bussiness in all it's glory, "That's it...Dear gosh that's lovely...word detailing is nice." Nothing to be mad at there...

  10. Hate to be honest, but they shouldn't have deleted the thread, leave it up, and let people see it :/ Ban reports are like a post in the crime section of the paper, only get's views when people try to hide something. Now everyone will know and demand for it :/

    1. Wavejammers


      I 101% agree with you

    2. lemontide331


      screenshots are spreading faster than wild fire

  11. Roleplaying Aurora is making me sad....

    1. Bethykinss
    2. MetaSolaray


      Because she's so adorable and cute :/ and she gets tortured into insanity in teh future...she's so much fun...

  12. Uggh my texture pack doesn't have carrots or potatos :c guess I'll have to get a new one...

    1. Bethykinss


      Or get it patched

  13. Alas I have ran out of people to consume, so I shall rest for now..Tomorrow...Begins anew

  14. New Mission, desire to push Evark into ocean.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~
    2. MetaSolaray


      Aren't you suppose to be sleeping D: And it's an awesome plan!

  15. Interested in being the son of the Blue (Now black dyed) haired swordsman Master Meta El SOlaray :P http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/76357-looking-for-someone-to-play-a-child/

    1. Roze


      Depends who's the mother? Green or Red?

      I'd need to know before I become Cyan or Purple.

      Sorry, I joke. :P

    2. MetaSolaray


      Hahaha It's Red :P And the child adopted Meta's blue hair xD though I don't think I'd mind purple ;D Or cyan

  16. This sucks :/ Going to have to replace the person playing Jax Solaray (Meta's Son)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aron.


      If you need someone, hit me up. I have been looking for another serious character to play

    3. aron.


      If you need someone, hit me up. I have been looking for another serious character to play

    4. MetaSolaray


      Sorry :P I've been absent to remember to read this, well I'll be making a forum post about it real soon feel free to audition for Jex Solaray xD

  17. How so o_O I went along with it, everyone else went perfectly along with it...the fight still happened xD and well...Meta stopped you form A: getting eaten by a witch, B: Getting decapitated...>_>;...worst time to be dragging a body around...

  18. Thanks you gave me something to do in the morning xD, also might as well ask :3 if the Temp server comes up would you like to do da RP DA dangie

  19. Holy crap I've been looking for comments this ENTIRE TIME :O THere they are....Man you gave me a dummy card to look for this entire morning x3

  20. Beat 358/2 days...not wanting to play Re:coded...hnnng...KH2 it is :D

    1. EmeraldStag


      Never play Re:coded...it sucks. It is by far the uptmost WORST game they have EVER mad. A

    2. EmeraldStag



      I stillhave not beaten 3D yet....>_<

    3. MetaSolaray


      I played it for a bit, and really got bored out of my mind of it :/ though the combat was nice update to the system, less feeling like button smashing but uggh the "GLITCHES" -3-...and the mini-game boss fights....

      Sadly I'm a completeionist...so one day :/ I'll have to suck it up

  21. Just finish beating Kingdom hearts 358/2 days :c Sad day...

    1. EboBren'


      I think they are making a new console one, and I heard rumors about them recreating the old ones. Unconfirmed to my knowledge, though.

    2. poopdoodler
    3. MetaSolaray


      You can only hope...I'd play this game again :/ Easily

  22. Write's ban report, sends the person he's writing it against a PM saying he is, with a link to it. XD I'm weird...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ayresalex


      No, not really.

    3. ayresalex


      No, not really.

    4. MetaSolaray


      Oh good :D Glad I could do it then :/ wish I had gotten the same treatment, but as Meta would say, "The bigger man offers his hand first, while keeping his other hand on his blade."

  23. Hmmmm, still trying to figure out what was the real reason Meta's captured :P Banditry xD Come on :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MetaSolaray


      Meta: "I have blue hair....why on earth would I keep it if I"m stealing things, it's my personal calling card..."

    3. rukio


      haha....I almost attacked that guy. :3 You and Alistair's orders kept it from happening. curse you. :< Actually....thanks. I think. :P

    4. rukio


      haha....I almost attacked that guy. :3 You and Alistair's orders kept it from happening. curse you. :< Actually....thanks. I think. :P

  24. Mmmm, if and when the servers come on going to have to ask my RP mates if I can just skip ahead to being dead :P taking forever xD Want other things to do

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MetaSolaray


      ^_^ Excellent, didn't want to subtract from everyone's fun but with the server being down :P I got other rp to run around and do

    3. Yoff
    4. MetaSolaray
  25. Meta really should dye his hair any other color, blue is his literal calling card :/

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