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Dr. Eggnog

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Status Replies posted by Dr. Eggnog

  1. Anyone else getting mad lag?

  2. Make another charcter.. or play my pokeROMs..

  3. Recommended texture packs?

  4. So whats the longest you people have gone without being killed RPly?

  5. Anime lovers around the world! Give a shout out and let it be known that we love Anime! HUZZAAAHHH!

  6. *Wins PVP fight. Gets told that blocking to Not get insta-killed is a b!tch move.* great fun.

  7. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Enduren, Hidden and Greywise are all what?

  8. I am glad the Teutonic Order and the Orcs are working together, working together for bigger and brighter future like it was in Aegis bby ;)

  9. Next on characters to make. A cleanly shaven dwarf.

  10. How was your day?

  11. **** how do i make the speaking with people

  12. And so it was, EVERYONE, got vas~ Take a look at those above ladies and gents, as they are the ones who were waiting for a break in the system so they didn't have to work all too hard~

  13. Ok guys, I am making a new character, I need a name, make it tough, he's a thug. Like Big John, or Marv

  14. lolwut Note: Not a screamer, but you may want to turn your volume down a bit. http://www.omfgdogs.com/

  15. Something's off about tonight. It's a weekend, and no-one's playing any steam games, and no-one's on the forums..

  16. Anyone know a good PC game that doesn't require internet?

  17. Draeris 101! Reached over the hundred posts! Lets drink some rum and celebrate!.. Ohh wait.. as a high elf I'm to good for rum.. Darn.

  18. Alright, enough is enough. remove the baby zombies.

  19. TODO: Make a dwarven settlement and call it 'Boatmurdered'.

  20. QUICK! EVERYONE, important question! Which is better... Black Templars, or Gray Knights?!

  21. Anyone down to watch my 4.0 Worldpaint livestream in an hour or two?

  22. Anyone know what things you need for Total Tophat on the forums?

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      A liver of an orphan, two(2) pints of goat's blood, and the horn of a narwhal. Mix ingredients and toss at any edgy person.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  23. Can orcs join delvers? :I

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