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About AndrewTech

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    World's Best Mandru

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    Raul Freeman | E. Wittenbach | C. Novellen

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  1. #freetheET2024 (remove realm RO safeguards on event STs for consequential events plz)

    1. monkeypoacher


      can we just remove the RO safeguards for rp in general


      it has never grooved w me that if you did all the proper rp to burn down a building or summon an elder god or whatever you wouldn't be allowed until you asked some dude who might not even be involved in the rp and might not even log on for permission

    2. DrakeHaze.


      3 minutes ago, monkeypoacher said:

      can we just remove the RO safeguards for rp in general


      it has never grooved w me that if you did all the proper rp to burn down a building or summon an elder god or whatever you wouldn't be allowed until you asked some dude who might not even be involved in the rp and might not even log on for permission

      Removing the safeguard would require the team being able to determine whether something was done in good faith or not, but why have that responsibility in the first place when you can place it all entirely on players that are trusted in that specific community instead.

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